Gap appearing between 2 parts from far distance, but not close distance


Either use one part or texture for the wall or use this plugin.


I tried this but it didn’t work

What did you use to create the wall?

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They are made through a script, I think maybe the only solution might be to just make it 1 wall, but its a bit hard to do with the script I use. I thought maybe it was a rendering issue or something.

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I don’t know how this idea could impact the textures, but you could union the walls together with a script. You can use “BasePart:UnionAsync(OtherPartTable)” BasePart | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub to Union the walls together

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Textures cause clipping problems when directly aligned with another part that has textures on the same facing sides.

To avoid this, and avoid having excessive texture, you could create your own custom material variant.
Other than that, the only way which could take a long time is to remove the textures that are not already visible to the player

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This would solve it too, but it would be a bit hard to do in my game

Yes this was the solution! Clipping was removed after I removed the textures that was touching each other, thank you for this suggestion really helped a lot :slight_smile: Really happy right now!

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