Gaps in my building

this is getting really annoying i am only using the 1 stud increment and for some reason i keep getting these gaps in my builds and im paying real close attention to the position values and randomly without me even touching it it changes by .01 and sometimes rotates and sometimes i have to completely abandon a build because of it what is causing this


Use the properties menu to change it under “Position”


set your move distance to something low like 0.01 or 0.05.

Your stud increment is fine, though I would not recommend going anywhere below 0.05, and even then you should have extreme caution to make sure parts are not overlapping.

@Ketquere Seemed to provide a possible solution, I got nothin’!

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Please read this post here and see the solution i provided… it worked for that person and should work for you as well:

but you must drag it to align it with the grid

nope not lets me :pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza:

No you dont need to drag it actually, precise movement is accomplished by inputting the position values in through the properties tab of the part as @Ketquere mentioned.

Also using the Align tool will accomplish the same task if thats easier for your workflow.

Use the align tool. Fill space ignore this

If it’s not letting you then you’re doing something wrong. It moves the part forcefully. Check if you have collisions enabled.

Are your parts anchored? do you use solid modeling/CSG V2?

I have had problems with unanchored parts randomly moving and creating these small out of aligment gaps. The same happens when I use CSG V2.

Making sure that all parts are anchored and using CSG v3, solved the problem on my parts:)
CSG v3 can be found in settings>Beta features>CSGv3

no i dont use that :pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza:

i dont have collisions on i put 0,0,0 and it does nothing

i must drag it since i use join surfaces

i think this happens when you make a union parts in the game will shift

? What are you talking about? Don’t reset the position… Change it by like 0.01, it’s not that hard.

i cant it doesnt let me and if i do get it in the right position it automatically shifts back

The parts will no longer shift if you change to Union version 3 (CSG v3)

i do :pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza:

So is the problem still there? or is it gone?
Make sure the parts are anchored as well, as using unanchored parts will sometime make gaps