I want to detect garbage collection in roblox.
When I use a weak table to reference a value, the values in it seemingly never get garbage collected.
I have searched through the DevForum. Most posts about garbage collection talked about using a weak table to detect garbage collection, but when I tested that, the values simply persisted in the table without getting garbage collected!
Script I made:
-- Make a weak table
local weakTable = {}
local metaTable = {}
metaTable.__mode = "kv"
setmetatable(weakTable, metaTable)
-- Add values
table.insert(weakTable, newproxy(true))
local testPart = Instance.new("Part")
table.insert(weakTable, testPart)
testPart = nil
-- Print the contents
Script result:
Edit: I moved the script to another place, and the garbage collection suddenly started to work? I don’t know what is happening