Hello everyone! I hope you are feeling great today.
What do you want to achieve?
I want to know when an Object has been garbage collected. -
What is the issue?
Lua itself has a __gc metamethod which can be useful to know when your own object got garbage collected, however, is too limited as you cannot know if a thread, function, or an userdata have been garbage collected.The only solution to this problem is to store the object in a weak table and check it every frame to see if it’s still there. If is not found in the table you can assume it was garbage collected.
However; Luau doesn’t provide either the __gc metamethod and a way to perform a garbage collection cycle to know if you have any memory leaks.
What solutions have you tried so far?
As I said previously, the only solution that there is in Luau is to check if the object is not found anymore in a weak table, but there is an issue. Roblox runs a garbage collection cycle whenever they wish to (when it hits certain levels you know).
Back then I asked something about the __mode metamethod not removing things from the table in time and got this solution: __mode metamethod not working as expected - #3 by Anaminus
The solution is no longer applicable though, I literally have to spam a bunch of BindToRenderStep creating many objects to kinda make the garbage collection system do its job (which is hard as sometimes it takes minutes before doing so). This makes it really hard for me to debug my code whenever I want to test for memory leaks and when I need to know if an object (no instances included) has been destroyed in-game.
Anyone has any other idea of what I could try, because I am sure that if I request such a thing to Roblox using the feature request it will literally be ignored as is something I have always seen Roblox mention in their API Reference as something they don’t wanna do.
1- __gc metamethod removed for security reasons.
2- collectgarbage() just works with the “count” command and not “collect” which performs a garbage collection cycle when called in Lua.
3- Weak tables do not work at all with Instances.
Some people around the community support those 3 things I said by having as the main reason “is not as easy as you think”. If there is no agreement between the community, how can we even achieve something?!
Before you ask me, why I wanna know if an object was garbage collected. Is mainly to perform cleaning with other things. For example, when a thread has been garbage collected I disconnect connections, cancel other threads, and even destroy certain instances.
That said, do you have any other solution to this problem?