Garden Tycoon | What can I improve?


the game has like 5-13 concurrent players most of the time. And i wanna improve that. What could I change/improve? Any bugs? Any suggestions? Let me know :smiley:

Link: Garden Tycoon [PETS] - Roblox?

Without offense but you should try to make it less laggy (prob i have shaders and idk?) , and a bug: when you’re in hired team and other user joins, if the hired team contains 2 players, the player who joined after you, he will take a available claim door trail idk if you understand lol but good luck with the game.

Game is fine, how much robux did you spend on ads?
Maybe try to not show every single thing that you can buy at the start, it makes the game more confusing
Also try making a tutorial, nothing fancy, just showing you what to do at the start

Hey, thank you. I didn’t spend anything on ads. The thing with the buttons at the start: Yes, i agree but how should I do a tutorial for a tycoon? I already made an arrow to the first button.

Thank you, i know this bug. But why is it laggy for you? Which type of lags?

If you didn’t spend any Robux on ads then you’re good, because I thought you spent a little bit on ads and only got like 3 - 5 players.
For the tutorial, you should just tell the player what items to buy, which would be droppers so they don’t get confused by all the other options

I was seeing the game, the owned plots with some or much progress and the streets props, them are the principal problem of the lag, i would recommend you to make options to remove the shaders if there are shaders and the streets props.

Sorry, but what are street props and which shaders do you mean? I’ve never experienced any lags and my testers too. We even tested it on mobile and there were no lags.

Good idea. Do you have an idea how to mark these buttons?

An arrow should do, or just add like a glowing effect around the button

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