Gazebo roof help

Hello. What is the best way to achieve the shape for the roof of a gazebo like this. Not bothered about the tiles and the inside needs to be hollow


Possibly just use parts and then the gap fill plugin here: Stravant - GapFill & Extrude - Roblox


I typically achieve this cone roof is usually with Wedges. You can use the gapfill plugin suggested above (that just automates the wedge placing for you) but either way it’ll require a bit of math.

For an octagonal roof like your example, you’ll need 45 degree corners, for instance.


I’ve tried to do something like this using 45 degrees for the corners. It always ends like this.
Obviously this can be fixed with scaling, however is there a way that would not require rescaling?

If you’re using a building plugin like Studio Build Suite, the resize tool can resize multiple parts along the same face which makes this tweaking a lot easier.

Otherwise just resizing until it fits or doing a lot of math is your best bet, unless you want to go the Mesh route, which requires 3D modeling software.

All of these aren’t necessarily difficult, they just take time and practice :slight_smile: