Today I received a message from Roblox telling me that one of my games has User ID which has to be removed.
The thing is that I don’t use databases in my game (as far as I know. I’ve never had a need to use one), so I don’t know from where should I delete this ID!
What do I do? How do I look up if there is any database in my game? How do I remove this User ID from my game? I’m really confused, please help.
If you saved their data to any data stores, just access their data store with the key it was saved with and remove it. If you don’t have any data in data stores, just ignore it
there might be something that could be some free model script that uses to store some information about player. I don’t know if you have any that would do that but I would recommend checking up on that.
If there is nothing, then I would just ignore it as you can’t really do anything, I guess.
Roblox is currently working on an update to how data stores function so GDPR requests could be easier to manage. But if you didn’t save anything, then no, there isn’t any data.
Not exactly, you could only just change the data store name but why would you do this?