GDPR Right to Erasure - Action Requested

I’ve received a message from Roblox to erase data on one my my games for two user IDs.
The user IDs do not seem to correlate to players, so I am abit confused.

This is a screenshot of the message I have received, I hid the IDs as im not sure if I’m allowed to show them.

I’ve looked through the forums I was linked to, and saw the RemoveAsync() function of the datastores. Is this what I need to do? Im not sure.


Just delete their data in every of your public games that uses DataStoreService.

By doing


you are correct to hide them. if it makes it any easier, you can use the following plugin to look into and edit your data stores manually:

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So I’ve cleared their data from the datastores, and I’m pretty sure thats all my game uses the IDs for, is that it?

as long as you’ve removed all references to their user id, that’s it