Gear Animation Not Playing Properly

I am trying to make a Silly Guitar that works with R15 animations, and when I used a converter plugin to make the animations, when played this happens:

And this is how they look in the editor:

Any help would be great, if you need any more info let me know.

could you show the script you’re using to play the animation?

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It’s not the script, I have tried pasting random animations as replacements and they all work fine. Also the R6 animations work completely fine.

The animations are the problem, and can be seen in the second video provided.

(Both R15 animations AnimationPriority are set to Action, just like the R6 ones.)

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alright. I’d say just to double check that all of the animation priority’s and settings are to your liking. haven’t gone too far into animating, so I’m sorry I’m not able to help much on this.

It’s alright, been trying to solve this for over 5 hours before posting, thanks for the help.

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This looks like the arm is just getting back in place after the animation has stopped in an odd way, had to deal with it in the past and my work-around was just remaking the animation. Looks as though the arm is being rotated really oddly in the animation which looks to be the cause of it.

(also I don’t think this is a scripting issue)

Yeah I didn’t think this was a scripting issue.

I can’t figure out why the animation is doing this, I used an R6 - R15 animation converter to make the R15 animation and its doing this. I even went back and remade the whole thing FROM SCRATCH and its still doing it. Going on 6 hours trying to fix this silly little mistake.

Try putting an idle state at the end of the animation in the animation editor to see if my theory was right or not, and if it was you’ll just have to adjust the animation till it doesn’t do that.

What do you mean by an idle state?

As in just the dummys normal pose, no rotation, no positions.

Like just add 1 frame to the animation with nothing edited?

This is how it turned out :\

Haha sorry, I meant just add it into the animation editor and not actually upload it. If it does the same thing in the animation editor as it does in-game then you’ll be able to adjust it without guessing.