Gear particles not showing

Hey could someone help me out? So basically i have this problem where I have 2 roblox studio game places (Both under my name) And i have these gears in both games, the problem is :
In the older studio all particles on the gears will work and show up (heres the one for the studio in 2022 )

But in the newer studio some particles on gears wont show up
(Heres the one for the studio in 2024 )

Both tools the same and unedited, and also for some reason the gears that have particles named “Explosion” dont show up either…

anyone else experienced this? or anyone know how to help!

Maybe if you publish the game, sometimes certain script does not work because of that or because of API service in the settings but the fact that a particle does not work on a certain game is not normal at all
maybe you forgot a module script etc which means it doesn’t work correctly try to copy paste just like you did on your old games?

Yep! I have tried just about every thing and nothing seems to be working, its very strange because ive never had this problem and ive search for different solutions but nobody seemed to have the problem. And bother gears are exactly the same nothing different i even removed everything from the workspace. Only difference between them was date of creation

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This is really weird try to contact roblox support bug reports cause yeah its not supposed happent.

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