I made my first ever Plugin on Roblox studio the name of it is Gear Wall Decompiler
What does it do?
You simply just select a Gear Wall of your choice and press the Decompile Button in the Menu and it will automatically decompile every Gear inside of the Gear wall and put it in a folder in ServerScriptService
Can you explain how is this useful? I can just take a gear from the toolbox or the marketplace instead of putting a gear wall to have millions of unwanted gears
its just a fun first plugin i made its not really useful but its just for fun if you dont wanna manually search the gears in the toolbox you can straight up get every gear with the gears
i am scripting for 1+ year now i made different stuff this is my first plugin and i dont expect it to get popular or anything like that its just a fun plugin i made to get like 300 gears at once