Gears that double as hats

My concern here is two things, one; often gear is released that could also double as a pretty awesome hat. The second is gear isn’t bought as much as it used to be.

Following this I thought of a pretty neat solution posed towards the admins and Luckymaxer. The idea is a gear would contain the tool as well as a hat. While that gear is equipped the hat will be placed on the character like a normal hat, and the tool would be held in the hand of the character. In-game, depending on the gear permitted, the hat would still appear, except without the tool to make it work.

Examples of such a gear can be found here, here and here

While this gear is equipped the tail would appear on the Character both on-site and in-game, however the functionality of it depends on the games permissions. If permitted, the tool will appear as normal, if not then the tool won’t appear and the tail will act as if it were just a hat.

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I see what you mean - wear the gear and take it to any game but it only has an effect in games that allow it, in other games it’s just a hat.

Yeah that would be cool. I think the best way to go about it would be to upload a separate Hat asset and award that whenever the gear is purchased. Then you could also combine them.

EDIT: Also that gear-as-a-hat glitch is still around. Teapot Turret uses it.

Since the CharacterAppearance.ashx changes depending on userId AND placeId (gear settings), it
should surely be possible, and I wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

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This actually sounds like a pretty neat idea. However, I don’t see this being very possible currently. Also, I didn’t make the arctic fox tail.