Gem person (Houseki no kuni)

Making a game based on Land of the lusterous (also known as Houseki no kuni)
and wanted the player to break apart on death, I might add some sharper shards inside the body so it seems less like a jenga tower falling apart but this is what I have so far, any feedback is appriciated

Gem person breaking In game

robloxapp-20201021-1645550.wmv (669.4 KB)

Reference Image for how broken gems look


sorry I dont really wanna download anything,

think you could supply us with a video?

I hope you understand why,

-X :slightly_smiling_face:

its just the roblox video thingy

oh ok thanks I don’t like to download video or anything actually you can’t really trust anyone can you?

wow nice effect that actually looks really cool

-X :slightly_smiling_face:

This is some impressive effect! How did you manage to split the parts though?

Lots and lots and lots of time spent rigging stuff together

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Haha, I love it. Houseki no Kuni has to be one of my top favourite anime of all time.

You may want to rethink your specific strategy of getting this done though. While it does look great, it’s mostly reliant on natural physics and stitching together a rig with many parts. This can lead to performance issues in the long run, especially considering their involvement in physics.

You may want to invest time into finding a method such that you can break apart rigs exactly at the time of death so that when they’re still alive, they aren’t constructed of several pieces. A standard R6 rig is 6 pieces, so you’ll want to keep that up until death where you create your shatter effect on the parts.

Good work!

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That would work if I had any idea how to script, I think to get a better shatter (and make rigging/animating easier) Im gunna make a fake body of shards and the real body invisable so it creates a push spreading the shards even further