Gemini AI Chat NPC

For a recent commission, I successfully created a working Gemini AI Chat NPC that lets users choose the Character Instruction.

I opted for Gemini AI over alternatives like ChatGPT because Gemini offers a free tier that doesn’t require payment info—a big plus for me since I’m working on a budget (and I mean that literally; I don’t have more than a penny to spare).

That said, Gemini doesn’t provide OpenCloud API endpoints, which made this project challenging. My goal was to achieve this without spending any money, so I had to get creative.

To make it work, I hosted a Node.js backend server on Glitch, where I created the API endpoints needed to connect with HTTPService in the game and aswell followed the Gemini AI documentation to have the model working properly. While Gemini isn’t entirely free, its free tier has reasonable rate limits and, in my opinion, is a solid option for small-scale developers.

I’m always open to feedback or corrections, so feel free to drop a comment! :smile:


Wow! That Looks amazing! I Like the Dummy that can Talk and follow the Player, good Work!


can multiple npcs be active at once and be told info and helpful tips to give the player?

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Thanks a lot for the feedback :smiley:

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It can be done of course but considering this was a commision i did, only one npc was asked for


suppose i have like 10 npcs all in a small area, could i get ratelimited? if so, does the system have a fallback message?

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The free tier does have a decent rate limits, so basically you will need to get one of the paid plans to possibly not run into a rate limit fallback message


so i can finally have an AI roblox GF? FINALLY!!


This Gemini AI Chat NPC looks interesting! Great job on it! How long did it take for you to create it?

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Thanks! To get it working on Roblox (researching and get the api endpoint working) took around 30 to 40 minutes. The rest like UI and NPC Customization was almost 2 days


Wow this is very Cool, Keep up the good work :+1:


This looks sick, keep up the amazing work and hopefully try this game out in the future.