I’m aware that Unions are laggy compared to parts, are MeshParts laggy compared to Unions, or are they better than unions but laggier then parts?
I also heard using one union/mesh, and then duplicating it doesn’t lag as much as individually unioning/meshing each part because it uses the same data for both. Is this true?
I’m asking these questions mainly because I don’t want to lag my game too much, but I also want there to be a decent level of basic quality, I was thinking a hybrid of parts and meshes for tools and major details, with unions being used sparingly whenever things need it because 3d modelling it would be needlessly complex or time consuming.
MeshParts are great compared to unions. From my experience, they don’t lag as much as they need to only load one part versus the union still needing to load all the parts inside it.
I am not sure on the second paragraph’s question but I would assume duplicating a MeshPart is less laggy than a union for reasons mentioned above.
If I had to pick, MeshParts are way better. Of course, you actually have to load the mesh and import it from a software like Blender, but they tend to be less laggy. Not only that, but there are loads of CSG issues such as random invisible barriers that always get in the way.
Let’s say you made a tank out of 450 parts and unioned all of the parts together. For starters, it’d be laborsome to actually place 450 parts down and it’d be extremely laggy to union them. Slower PC’s might not be able to handle it. With a MeshPart it’s much easier to import, and scaling is easier too. Meshes are able to be far more detailed as well. Definitely go for meshes, if you’re able.