May 24, 2021, 4:14pm
Hey! I’m here just to ask, what do you think of my General store so far? This is the 2nd part of a commission, it isn’t finished yet, I’ve kind of just done the outside, is there anything I could change?
Images v v v
I also have a Test place, this is just where I build and stuff, the trees are a part of the commission, the character is not!
Testing Land
Here is also a poll!
I think it’s great, there is something off but I can’t quite put my finger on it, maybe somebody else will say, I don’t know though.
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The walls are too thin and the door is massive.
May 24, 2021, 5:24pm
The door looks so unhinged and that it should be falling, also just looks a bit bland without much color.
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May 24, 2021, 5:25pm
So what colour should I add?
How could I hinge it, in what way?
May 24, 2021, 5:27pm
Add a darker or lighter color in a little pattern and give the door a doorframe.
That floor looks cool but you should add a texture to it. Anyways,
The build looks too blocky. Add some shapes n’ meshes.
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Hey there! It looks good if your building a Western game or something like that, but maybe add some lighting.
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May 29, 2021, 6:14am
I’m not wanna be toxic or anything but if you have a problem go cry about it.
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But u are toxic tho. u already became a toxic person
May 29, 2021, 6:35am
Says you, the DevForum doesn’t accept racism or discrimination against ones origin or orientation.
May 29, 2021, 9:38am
I do have to agree the floor is very unique and nice, but the door is too thin.
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I believe the proportions are very off;
Why is the door larger than the doorframe?
I also suggest you add an actual skirting for the doorframe and the windows for that extra bit of detail.
May 29, 2021, 10:13am
I didn’t even notice that!
Also the handle is kind of flat, how can a person with no fingers grip onto it?
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