Generate avatars from images with Avatar Lab Preview [Demo]

I’m not exactly sure who wants this (besides your investors), Roblox is a game engine with social elements, not a social platform with game elements.

I once again cry to please stop with this metaverse garbage and go back to what you created your platform for, games. You’re bloating the engine and creator tools with things that barely anyone (if anyone [looks at that calling API]) uses.


this is SOO COOL,
btw the time is out before the generator fully generate my Ai avatar


Pretty clear display of where their efforts went into huh.
Don’t worry, maybe if we behave they’ll throw us a grass width slider in the next couple of years!


its ok not like fixing lighting being capped at 60 stud range or canvasgroups freezing on low graphics is a priority anyway


Okay, this just looks outright terrible, as a feature will be (and is) hated and is also absolutely useless for 99% of the players.

If you’re playing on roblox you’re gonna want avatars like this
not some random AI generated “realistic” slop.

And, this only seems to be able to generate HUMAN avatars so this feature is EVEN MORE useless for people like me, which there is a LOT of people like me.
Hell, even if this feature COULD generate furry models I still wouldn’t use it!
I have bought models and learned HOW TO model for a reason, I don’t want to use AI-Gen slop and I actually want my avatar to look like what I want it to. AI is inconsistent and ugly, if I asked it to TRY and create my exact design it would completely mess it up, its just too complicated.

If I even wanted to use a realistic avatar for WHATEVER reason, I would just go to the marketplace and buy an existing UGC bundle because they both look better and I’m supporting a HUMAN artist.

Like this just genuinely looks awful and extremely uncanny.

Also, one of the whole reasons I see people using the existing roblox avatar creator (not this one) is because they just maybe don’t want to depict their avatar as themselves because they’d literally be doxxing themselves.

Like as a PRIVATE avatar (such as on consoles like the Wii which no longer has online multiplayer) having something thats supposed to resemble you is somewhat fine because it does limit things and you can’t just upload an image of yourself and get a Mii spit out that looks a lot like you.
But this, an avatar they people will be able to see, why would ANYONE use it??

This feature could literally be used as a tool for doxxing.
Whats that, someone has a picture of you? They can just feed it through this AI and get an avatar OF YOU, WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION, AND THEN DISTRIBUTE IT.
What can a person do in that situation?? Get the item taken down after its been uploaded and damage has been done?

How would you even be made aware of it?? You see the avatar 30 times in a game and then spend possibly HOURS searching for it to try and get it taken down?
How does your moderation even plan around this??

You’ve just thrown even more AI-Gen slop into roblox without ever thinking just how awful this is and how it can be used for bad, you just want to please your investors.

Anyway, end of rant.


I don’t understand this either, Roblox why do you choose to spend your time and money making features literally NOBODY asked for or will ever use. Its honestly funny just how out of touch you are Roblox with your community, that you really think this is what we want.

You released Animated heads to replace 2D faces and nobody uses them willingly. You could have easily put the 2D faces under “Included Items” having them be included as part of the purchase. But of course you know nobody will use your “new and innovative” heads if you did. So you decided to take them offsale to prevent people from further buying them with a weak excuse of it being “confusing”. Roblox you get on your high horse about how you value self expression, yet you’re the one who’s limiting it. It’s honestly hilarious how a large majority of the Animated heads on the UGC catalog are 2D face. Literally the only benefit from this feature is UGC creators no longer need to bloat the catalog with the same face but with different skin color (some creators still do that good job UGC moderation team!). Please include 2D faces as part of the purchase of Animated heads if you truly value self expression so much, stop pretending that you can’t thanks.

You released Calling API naming it the future of immersive communication. If it was the future then why is absolutely nobody using it? This is ignoring its abhorrent launch too.

Now you’re trying to shove AI down our throats. It’s already getting a lot of backlash both on DevForums as well as other platforms. It’s honestly impressive how out of touch you are to the point where you forgot your own slogan that made the platform what it is. In case you forgot its “Powering Imagination”, and AI directly contradicts that. Its nice that you gave us AI preferences, but why is it data gathering enabled by default? Surely it’s not you hoping to take advantage users that are unaware of this setting existing? So that can quietly feed their work to the AI slop?

Lets review, all of the features mentioned were never asked for as they were mainly for pandering towards stock holder and had extremely negative reception. Isn’t it funny how all of these features are also never used for their intended purposes, willingly, or EVER. Please Roblox learn how to listen to your community. Learn to spend your time and money improving the engine than making useless features purely for the novelty of having them to please investors. I don’t understand how its not embarrassing to have your engine be this behind in comparison to other engines. Not to mention just how frustratingly limiting it is for developers. Even new features are half baked and unfinished most the time.

Sorry for ranting. It’s extremely frustrating how this is Roblox’s top priority, especially considering the track record features like this have. I’m sure our voices and opinions will get swept under the rug like they always do. o7


This is what Roblox just refuse to listen to, and intentionally at this point.
Most people use the “classic” style of avatars, rarely do I see otherwise, and when I do see these “modern” ones its usually someone that is visibly trolling (The only real exception to this is those Chibi style of avatars, although not my taste, I do understand the appeal of those).
Yet, every advertisement, every media post etc, just show Roblox pushing the “modern” avatars. They just don’t look like Roblox, they look very out of place in the environment of Roblox games, and in general they just do not look good…and now we’re going to add these odd “realistic” faces on top of that?
But as people have said, its not about us, This purely seems like a “Hey shareholders, look were keeping up the newest technology and trends, so invest in us!” and nothing more. I don’t think it will last long, fads and trends never do.


it’s incredible. This avatar generation will improve my game because I have a lot of difficulty creating interesting NPCs. I hope you do the same with body generation. Congratulations on this new tool. I can’t wait until it’s usable.


This avatar AI generation does not fit with to well the Roblox brand
A brand know by their classic avatars (such as the noob or the bacon hair for example) , and this sound appealing only for investors.


This update is uhm very interesting but first of all who asked for this…?


looking good :smiley_cat:


This would be good if the avatars didn’t try to be realistic and had a more general generation. You could generate blocky, or realistic, or any type, but of course it just had to be only realistic.

Well done, you flushed all the potential of this down the toilet.


This is pretty cool and all, but there are a whole host of other updates we’ve been promised that would do the entire platform much more good.

For instance, the new voxel lighting, or finishing dynamic clouds. Saw somewhere that there was gonna be a universal weather system. What about the new types of dynamic heads that actually allow us to use static faces if we want to while still giving us head shape options with dynamic faces? These are only a few actually good updates that we’ve been promised, and seem to have been left in the dust for AI. Are we ever going to see these updates? Or are we just gonna have to wait another 10-20 years just to see some half-hearted attempts?

Sorry if I’ve come off as rude, but I do think your priorities are not where they should be. I mean, c’mon, AI generated avatars before we even have access to private servers on console?


There’s a lot of things that’s should’ve been done on console before some of these “interesting” other updates.


Is it possible to make a more cartoon version of this? I think cartoony would be more fitting for Roblox.


Yawn… lazy. In my opinion it will just make for lazy put together games that might look similar

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Seems like this feature is related to the previously announced avatar creation based-on photographs. Where supposedly we would be able to create avatars from pictures of ourselves. The requirement that the AI has a “base” that is a picture of a face is what leads me to believe this.

Would be a lot more fun to use that way! Although I get the concern of having a database of millions of children’s faces… :grimacing:

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I have a feeling I’m going to hate this update.

It would be even cooler if AI went extinct and people just made things themselves


Ai generated models would actually be pretty useful for people like me who suck at modeling. Also it can save a lot of time for me because I like scripting and GUI design over modeling.