Generate avatars from images with Avatar Lab Preview [Demo]

Hey there! Got quite a few questions about the safety, value, and sustainability of Roblox’s upcoming AI-generated heads! Hoping to get a better understanding of the vision and potential behind this feature!

  • Are there any safeguards to prevent generating AI heads based on celebrities and political figures?
  • Will players be punished for unintentionally generating AI heads which break Roblox’s ToS?
  • Any rough estimates on how much it will cost players to publish an AI head?
  • Would we be able to sell or transfer AI heads to other players?
  • What’s the source of the datasets used to train this model?
  • Can devs add their own data to the model used for AI heads?
  • Are we given the copyrights to AI heads we generate?
  • Will there be a way for scripts to differentiate between UGC heads and AI heads?
  • How much electricity is used with each head generated by Avatar Lab Preview?
  • Can we get an estimate for the yearly watt hour usage this feature will need?
  • Is there a limit to how many tris each AI head uses? What about texture resolution?
  • Will there be a way to correct flaws in AI heads, such as distorted facial features and misplaced bones?
  • How many AI images have been generated in the process of developing and testing this feature?

This is amazing lmao. I’m excited to see where this goes in the future.

Fwiw I doubt this will replace human artists lol. AI cannot produce the precise geometry required for a lot of cool designs.


actually, looking at this, maybee UGC creators are safe and sound.


I am so talented. this is amazing

Roblox we dont need AI generated heads we need AI generated models. it would be cool to say “generate a coin” and it does it!!!


Will these avatars be optional?

whats with the teeth :huh:


One of the weirdest and dopest features you’ve done, got to say not the most original thing ever, kind of expected something like this in 2021/22…


First of all, I feel sorry for the people who worked I can tell you that this is going to be an extremely hated feature.

I think this feature will only appeal to new people playing Roblox who don’t know much about Roblox (i.e. people in the community).

Generating an avatar and selling it is something I find disgusting.

Since ChatGPT shook the whole world with its AI, all other high tech companies are desperately trying to get a place by becoming known by offering a tool made with.

Idk if you have recognition for those who make a living from their original creation on Roblox because this AI is problematic for creators who don’t use AI.

This AI trend must stop as quickly as possible and it.
There are AI tools that were sufficient, such as generating textures and textures on 3D models, detecting bad words in vocal chat.
But right now this goes too far.


You’re talking about roblox and acting is if they ever cared about people’s earnings on this platform or their experience lmao.




I love this tbh, and it would be extremely beneficial for my game. I wanted realistic human-looking heads, but the only option I could find at the time was the Oliver head. I love that the facial animations seem to be compatible with all of these generated heads.

I don’t see the problem here, AI has been able to make a lot of content quickly however there people that hire artists, programmers, etc

so people that use AI to generate stuff isn’t your target audience in the first place

if your item is better and has high demand then it will sell, AI may have an impact but it’s definitely not a determining factor for sales

people that want to generate Limited items will generate them, they never had any intention to pay while there are people that have been paying customers would continue to do so

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What an absurd way to blow money, time and resources on nothing burgers. This is beyond pandering to investors! There’s PLENTY of other things to spend time on other than these AI slop features designed to make investors bark.

I am not entirely against having features like this in general however i WILL be against them if there are clearly 500 different and better things to spend money, time and resources on. It is beyond impossible for me to believe that this sort of “features” you guys are working on are actually meant for the platform’s users, rather, EVERYTHING here is simply meant to just flex and show off to random investors that clearly have no care for anything other than hyping up random tech buzzwords in hopes they could get richer off them.

I do not believe this sort of feature has any chance to become anything too crazy either just like all of the other previous meaningless AI attempts you guys had before. I do believe that this sort of AI tech will actually work however how well would be another question entirely. At BEST it could produce half baked content that would be in a best case scenario used by mostly people looking to make goofy avatars. I don’t see most people actually legitimately using this feature as a way to “express themselves” as surprise surprise, most people looking to express themselves aren’t looking to make rough ai generated corpo-style 3d models of their real life self or some other poor attempts at super basic fantasy concepts or similar. It’s insanely hard to see a world in which these sorts of AI models you guys are pushing will ever be used past toying around for 5-30 minutes with once in their life time.

I don’t think I’m the sort of guy to say that roblox will die after every random logo change however it’s increasingly hard for me to see a future in which roblox is anything more than just the same old child slop website that’s still thinking they can bring innovation to the tech industry by blindly jumping onto one trend to another.

You guys can do something about the site. Right now it’s just a giant game list without any way of actually meaningfully filtering anything past clicking on a list of which games are making more or have more players.
You guys can do something about the engine. I would say it’s performance is still pretty poor while featuring tech from max 10 years ago. Still pretty outdated. Still pretty bloated.
You guys can do something about literarily anything else but instead choose to pander to investors who could not give two cents if the entire company goes to the ground one day. But i guess that doesn’t matter.

Sorry for the long rant gang! Don’t get me wrong, i don’t think AI itself is inherently a bad thing however the current direction roblox is heading into with their ai crap will only yield half usable ai systems and models at best. Jack of all trades and master of none kind of thing.


Roblox can you please give up about the idea of making such a trash outfit sets ? Thanks.


“Powering Imagination” should be changed to “Powering Mediocre AI” at this point.

The fact that Roblox is announcing features like this alongside announcements telling us we’ve only just got the ability to change grass length globally (5 years after grass came out) is crazy.


Can I just be one to say that I don’t at all like this recent AI push Roblox has been making recently. This is just feels so off brand and out of character for a game defined by blocky cartoony avatars and more like IMVU or Second Life. Not to mention that in terms of customizability RTHRO really puts up no fight compared to R6 or even R15.

This new AI push just seems so awkward and like corporate buzzword trend hopping and reminds me of when Roblox was touting how limiteds are like NFTs and that Roblox is the next metaverse back in 2022 and 2023. Who really wants or would use this for anything outside of a joke avatar, really? I can’t be the only one who thinks this.


My exact thoughts; this really couldn’t be said better. I feel like every change Roblox makes now is just pandering to shareholders rather then for the community.


Yeah, no.

I can see some slight upsides for a feature like this, but AI shouldn’t be used for content creation like this. Like XenoDenissboss1 said, there are better options to deal with that’s not jumping onto a trend to impress shareholders. But I’m not here to argue that kind of topic.

I do believe AI does and can have uses, but a feature like this just seems like a huge waste. This doesn’t feel like a way to “express yourself”. This is a platform meant to power imagination… not powering a push for AI junk on the platform.

Will there even be any safeguards to prevent this system being used to make yourself look like a controversial person? I can already think of a couple of issues with a system like this.


I see no relevance - do you work or parade for Green Peace ?

Would love to know how you come up with these silly questions. Out of Protest ?

Though I agree with you that it will hurt Modellers … especially if they also had to put in months/years into learning Blender (etc) … then also get the low end of the Sale (most goes to Roblox & Devs).

On the other hand… today you need to be proactive… Ai is not going away.
I hope the Avatar Artists actually take advantage of Ai… as they have better creativity etc.
It’s never going to be easy swimming upstream - need to go with the current.

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