Generate grid on a center point

I made a script for maze generator that generate walls the problem is that I want the walls to be generated on a center point:

local wallSize =, 8, 1)
local offset = ( - 2), -(wallSize.X + 1), (wallSize.X - 2)) / 2)
local position = (self:GetPosition() + ((, 0, column) * (10 - 1)) - offset))

local northWall = (, 0, (wallSize.X / 2) - 0.5) + position)

local westWall = ( / 2) - 0.5, 0, 0) + position)

Never mind I found a way, took me a whole day to figure it out I don’t know why:

for row = 1, gridSizeY do
		local columnPosition = centerPosition -- Temporary position for column

		for column = 1, gridSizeX do
			local squareIndex = ((row - 1) * gridSizeY + column)
			floorProperties["Position"] = (columnPosition + ((, 0, column) * wallSize.X) / 2))
			columnPosition -= ((, 0, column) * wallSize.X) * 1.5)

			local floor = createPart(floorProperties)

		centerPosition -= ((, 0, 0) * wallSize.X) * 1.5) -- subtract current position 