Generating points from a list of cframes (or attachments)

Hello again!, so a month ago i made this tank track system without any use of physics, only math.
initially i was satisfied with how it turned out, but when i compare it to other systems now i just realized how bad and inconsistent it is.

so i just thought of another way to create tracks is by actually placing the parts along the entire length of the track instead of by segments like in my original system and have the parts to move along that

(like this, the red arrow showing where the part is moving)

but i am not the greatest when it comes to math and i can’t find any ideas on how to do that or how to know where the parts would be or how do i move them along those points.
any Ideas or some information would be a great!

Thanks in advance

A safe bet would be to use a mesh and make a bone (deformation point) between each wheel, then
just place and resize the mesh to your liking, now comes the scripting part.

I would recommend using raycasts(best if used on the client). The starting points of these raycasts should be where the bones (deform. points) are placed (slightly above). They should have a blacklist of the mesh, so it doesn’t mess with the mechanics. Now just make it so when the ray detects something, it would push the nearest deformation point, upwards, by the ray’s length.

Now about the spinning part, I am not too sure about this, but maybe have a preset path for the mesh’s bones to move to, like in this image

This method SHOULD work without any issue, if you want me to elaborate since i didnt have much time to write this, dont be shy, I am open for a discussion.

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making a mesh for each tank tracks would be very time consuming for me and probably others if they are planning to create many tanks, i did tried but gave up once i realized there’s no way to have them animating (probably with moving textures but i want something 3d). and most tank games i know of doesn’t use mesh deformation like MTC4, cursed tank simulator and probably others. any more ideas?

No, no you understood me wrong, I mean a WHOLE mesh of the tracks, and bones in it that can be deformed

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By moving and rotating the bones you create the effect of moving tracks

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Screenshot 2025-02-03 191228
you mean like this?

yeah, now place it in ur tank(so u get a good idea of proportions) and make deformation points(bones ) between each wheel, smth like that

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how would i place deformation points on a mesh?, as far as i know you can’t edit vertex on a mesh part unless it has bones which was exported by a third party software like blender

Put the bones in blender like you said

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yeah do that, and it should work

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sorry for not replying for a while. but i decided not to just make a completely new one, instead i just went back to my old system and actually managed to fix it. thanks for all your help tho!

Np, glad you found a solution

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