Generative cafe ui feedback


  • Added Individual Animations for each Action Card on open/close
  • Added Animations for Extended Pages (categories)
  • Improved Mobile Display Support
  • Error Handling for different callbacks (e.g if no gamepass id, it’ll print and go back to home)

The system completely generates the interface and actions based on a single module in ReplicatedStorage which can be easily changed without issue or prior coding knowledge, essentially big modular stuff!!

There are several action types I have created for the system:

  • Teleport to Place
  • Prompt Gamepass
  • Prompt Product
  • Close Interface
  • Open Page
  • Open External Interface (from a folder)

The entire interface is animated and made to work across any screen size that is above 480p in resolution.

An extract from the module:

pages = {
		["Home"] = {
			default = true,
			extended = false,
			actions = {
					name = "What's New",
					color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0),
					image = 15123845075, -- placeholder image!! not mine
					large = true,
					content = "new update!",
					actionType = "external",
					actionData = "update"

					name = "Store",
					color = Color3.fromRGB(41, 191, 134),
					image = 0,
					large = false,
					content = "gamepasses",
					actionType = "page",
					actionData = "store"
					name = "Store Test",
					color = Color3.fromRGB(41, 191, 134),
					image = 0,
					large = false,
					content = "gamepasseeees",
					actionType = "page",
					actionData = "store 2"

					name = "Apply",
					color = Color3.fromRGB(58, 108, 200),
					image = 0,
					large = false,
					content = "career",
					actionType = "page",
					actionData = "apply"

					name = "Menu",
					color = Color3.fromRGB(226, 143, 43),
					image = 0,
					large = false,
					content = "the works",
					actionType = "page",
					actionData = "menu"


		["Store"] = {
			default = false,
			extended = true,
			actions = {

					name = "Gamepasses",
					default = true,
					color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 177, 103),
					actions = {
							name = "Segway",
							color = Color3.fromRGB(226, 66, 66),
							image = 0,
							large = false,
							content = "",
							actionType = "gamepass",
							actionData = 3470294 -- gamepass id

							name = "Balloon",
							color = Color3.fromRGB(200, 145, 50),
							image = 0,
							large = false,
							content = "",
							actionType = "gamepass",
							actionData = 3470294

					name = "Products",
					default = false,
					color = Color3.fromRGB(81, 145, 194),
					actions = {
						name = "Product Example",
						color = Color3.fromRGB(58, 108, 200),
						image = 0,
						large = false,
						content = "",
						actionType = "product",
						actionData = 100 -- product id


Please let me know what you think, or if there’s anything I could do to improve.
This is a prototype, so yes there are clear issues with animation and the design.


The UI looks fabulous, the code is concise and the animations are satisfyingly. What more is there to say? :+1:

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Would this be available as a model free asset that I can use in my cafe? It matches the sort of idea and innovative technologies we have.

Possibly, maybe a limited version of it (as some parts are still not modular). Depends on if there’s enough demand from a few people.

One worry I have is loads of cafe UIs looking the same if this is published.

I think it looks amazing so far, only thing I would recommend would be adding gradients somewhere or a background design instead of it just being dark gray. Either way though, it looks really good. :+1:

Good idea, I might add support for gradients, thanks

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This UI looks very good! Nice job on it!