GeneratorPlus - Protect your string & event parameters

Hello! I wanted to share my new resource GeneratorPlus :smiley:

It protects your STRINGS and EVENT PARAMETERS but you need to use it CORRECTLY

Here is example script:

local generatorplus = require(script.Parent.GeneratorPlus)
generatorplus.SetSeed("testseed123123123123123") -- Provide a seed before using this module

local mystring = "OMG! Is that GeneratorPlus??"

local compiledstring = generatorplus.Compile(mystring)
print(compiledstring) -- Compiled String (UNREADABLE, PROTECTED)

local decompiledstring = generatorplus.Decompile(compiledstring)
print(decompiledstring) -- Decompiled String (READABLE)
-- PRINTED: OMG! Is that GeneratorPlus??

local compiledparams = generatorplus.CompileParams("best,protected,parameters")
print(compiledparams) -- Compiled Params (UNREADABLE, PROTECTED PARAMETERS)

local decompiledparams = generatorplus.DecompileParams(compiledparams)
print(decompiledparams) -- Compiled Params (READABLE)
-- PRINTED: {[1] = "best", [2] = "protected",[3] = "parameters" }

I know, I am bad at writing resources but i guess it would be useful for someone :slight_smile:

Nevermind here is comments from module, i write them into module too

		Made by MonoClassic
	Please use this script in BackEnd because it could be malicious in ClientSide
	So do not make accessible this module for Clients. (THEY CANNOT READ COMPILED STRING BECAUSE OF SEEDS)
	(Put it to ServerScriptService)

	module.SetSeed(STRING) -- Provides a seed for you

    module.Compile(STRING) -- Compiles a string for you
    module.Decompile(COMPILEDSTRING) -- Decompiles string for you
	You can use this script if you want to add protection to something like
	RemoteEvents! (No longer parameter edited remotevents :3)

	(edit: i added functions for that)
	module.CompileParams("param1,param2,param3") -- EXAMPLE
	* it will print: {"param1","param2","param3"}


I am not perfect on everything like writing resource or making resource so i need people’s feedback.

This is interesting but I’m not really sure if it would be useful. Also, I’m just wondering, what are the CompileParams and DecompileParams functions for?

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Hmm… It’s an interesting concept, but I think it needs work to be useful. To me it seems like you’re encrypting strings on the server with the presumption that they’d be sent to the client, where the string would be useless because it’s encrypted, to then be sent back to the server and decrypted. This means that:

  1. Encrypted strings that the client needs to use will be rendered useless since the generatorplus module is stored on the server, meaning that to be useful, they can’t be encrypted
  2. Strings that the client DOESN’T need to use can just be kept on the server and not sent to the client, in which case they wouldn’t need to be encrypted.

This means that as it stands right now, there are not really any use cases for this.

NOW — if you could make it such that the encrypt function was available on the client, both the encrypt and decrypt functions were available on the server, and the decrypted message wasn’t easily discernible given the encrypted string, then this concept could make a WONDERFUL guard against remotespy (although if exploiters can cause TOO much damage using remotespy there’s usually a deeper issue — wouldn’t hurt to have this tool though).


Exploiters can edit parameters and send them to server by remoteevents but with compiledparams it cant be edited and its not readable.

So is this an encryption module?

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