Generic Vibe Game


So I realized I was kind of terrible on making outside environments and that stuff and should maybe doing inside builds again, so I just made some Generic Vibe game that was made in just a few days. It consist of multiple rooms, you have to wait 5 - 15 mins to progress into each unique room, so basically the more time you spend in the game, the more unique rooms you can access. I’ma still work on my tycoon tho, I’m not giving up this time like I did on my last 2. Please give me some criticism or anythijng that can make the game better, it’s just a game to waste time on and hangout, I’m currently working on a obby tower & shop for the game rn, like is there more I should add to the rooms? more features? I made a working TV that changes channels. This game is meant to stay simple, I’m trying to make games I can actually code at my level so yea. but I can still try to make something a bit more complicated with the help of devforums.


Game Link

Also the music playlist is broken rn, I’m planning to fix it soon

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these photos were from yesterday when my ROBLOX Studio was working, I can’t get it to work for these past 6 hours, it keeps giving me a error saying I can’t start it, I think it gotta do with my wifi being slow asf, I’ll probs redownload it to see if that fixes the issue.

You can turn it into a horror game :thinking:


Looks great already. Otherwise you should add more of tracks, and more feel to the game. :thinking: Will this be turned into a random fan-made game for no reason?

you want people to feel safe which sounds very controversial because people come on roblox to play games but not in the main way just in a way where they don’t have to worry about anything and the vibe pun intended its giving right now is sort of like eviction notice so you could add more warm colours and possibly less textures