Please follow the rules. Failure to follow the rules will lead to a demotion/suspension/ban.
The rules are:
- Do not insult any group members.
- Do not send any racist jokes/memes.
- Do not spam the chat.
- Accept others and don’t make fun of them.
- You can make as many jokes as you want, just be aware of what you write.
- You can not use caps unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.
- Do not bypass the chat.
- Do not disrespect anyone’s opinion.
- Racism, sexism, or any other type of violence will not be tolerated.
- MR+ should be active for at least 15 mins/day
- MR+ can not abuse their admin.
- You must use the correct warning format. The warnings format is W l/ll/ll | (username) | (reason)
Thank you for your attention and have a good day.