German Army Camp

Here is a German army camp for my WW2 game. I’m not done yet, but this is what I’ve got so far.


I think make the surround terrain look more “dead” would be more accurate if you know what I mean other than that it a pretty great start. Keep building :D.


Do you mean by wrecked tanks, torn trees, random holes in the floor?


Well not really, but it is a good idea. What I mean is tone down on the grass. It make the camp a bit too lively

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I really like the design, is there a day/night cycle?

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yes, there is, but I turned it off because it was annoying.

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Design is pretty good, how long has this taken you to make?

Can you show me a link to the game, so i can see it myself?

sorry, but I kinda removed the shop because I changed the game’s direction. Sorry. But here’s the game link if your interested.

It took me 3 full minutes to load the game completely. Please make it less laggy.

But good design of the game anyways.