"get a snack for mark" || Game Credits

get a snack for mark - credits

Last Updated: 2/28/2025


get a snack for mark was my first ever big programming project. Having been released back in October of 2022, it has seen many changes and updates throughout its time. And now it’s story comes to a close as I venture off to other endeavors. I would like to take this time now to rightfully credit those who have contributed to this project.


> Main Game + Generall
Head Scripter - Builder: noahh
Building Assistance - DrStoopid (whiteha12)
Scripting Assistance - Ethan (Ethaniel2004)
Music - otherwiseturkey
Concept Art - Rhino07124
Thumbnail Art (overtime) - Futabasaur & otherwiseturkey

get a snack at 4 am - Stixxal
ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart! - GroovyDominoes52
A Nostalgic Hangout Game…? - OneWhoFinds

> Mark’s Basics
AI Pathfinding Script(s) - TomBuilds (YT)
Music - otherwiseturkey
Inspiration: Baldi’s Basics - mystman12

> Mark’s Pizza House
Building Help - DrStoopid (whiteha12)
Models - Ramune_OnYT
Voice Acting - Michaelp747 & noahh
Inspiration: FNaF - Scott Cawthon

> Special Thanks
And you for playing!

oh yeah… and let’s not forget the man himself.

> Mark
Mark - real_noobking0174

Thank you to everyone who’s supported the game! If you would like to be in-the-know for some of my upcoming Roblox projects, head on down to our Roblox Group. Once again, thank you so much for playing this little game. Until next time… don’t feed Mark beans.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
- 1 Corinthians 10:31