Get All Group Roles?

I looked and looked on both the roblox developer forum, scripthelpers, and even stackoverflow (for a bot to create an array), and I found no results yet. I know there is a way to get a player’s role in a group, however I want to get ALL roles in a group. I know I could run JS to build an array to loop through, but I was curious if I could get all the roles directly from the game.

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This is not possible, I believe your going to have to set up a proxy or use a pre made ne. However, What is the point of this. It would be much simpler to have a table of the roles instead of making external calls.

You could use the Api for Groups with HTTPService in a ServerScript.

Use this link if you wanna get the roles of a specific group. v

And use this if you wanna get all roles in every group, where the player is currently in. v

You can just loop through all the roles and insert them into a table.

GetGroupInfoAsync. This will return a dictionary of information about the group, including the roles and their rank number (the 0-255 number). You don’t need to build any external programs or or use endpoints since fetching all the ranks is already natively supported, thankfully.

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Thank you all very much :smiley:. The point of this was to make an automatic detect for teams and if my employer changed the names of the roles or positions of them i wouldn’t have to re-script everything.