Get all instance types to array?


I’m looking to get an array of all the instance names in Roblox.


Is it possible to grab this list using :GetEnum?

Thank you!

Sheeesh-- that’d be an extremely long array with little to no information about each type. I think the closest thing that you can get is the Class Index on the ROBLOX Dev Wiki. That’ll display not just objects (which I believe is what you’re looking for), but also abstract classes, and services.

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That is totally fine, I just need to be able to know class names of each object. I’ve found the API Roblox API Reference so If I have to I can create a list manually :frowning:

But if that has already been done, or there is an easier way to do it I’d love to know :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply.

Enum:GetEnums() returns an array with every single enum on Roblox.

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that’s for enum’s not Instances

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EDIT: Redoing this post lol. Here is the method I used to test if the object can be inserted into workspace:

output = function(...)
		local classes = "ABTestService Accessory Accoutrement AdService AdvancedDragger AlignOrientation AlignPosition AnalysticsSettings AnalyticsService AngularVelocity Animation AnimationController AnimationTrack Animator AppStorageService ArcHandles AssetCounterService AssetManagerService AssetService Atmosphere Attachment AvatarEditorService Backpack BackpackItem BadgeService BallSocketConstraint BasePlayerGui BaseScript Beam BillboardGui BinaryStringValue BindableEvent BindableFunction BlockMesh BloomEffect BlurEffect BodyAngularVelocity BodyColors BodyForce BodyGyro BodyMover BodyPosition BodyThrust BodyVelocity Bone BoolValue BoxHandleAdornment BrickColorValue BrowserService BulkImportService CacheableContentProvider Camera CatalogPages CFrameValue ChangeHistoryService CharacterAppearance CharacterMesh Chat ChorusSoundEffect ClickDetector ClientReplicator Clothing ClusterPacketCache CollectionService Color3Value ColorCorrectionEffect CompressorSoundEffect ConeHandleAdornment Configuration Constraint ContentProvider ContextActionService Controller ControllerService CookiesService CoreGui CorePackages CoreScript CoreScriptSyncService CornerWedgePart CSGDictionaryService CylinderHandleAdornment CylindricalConstraint DataModel DataModelSession DataStorePages DataStoreService Debris DebuggerBreakpoint DebuggerManager DebuggerWatch Decal DepthOfFieldEffect Dialog DialogChoice DistortionSoundEffect DockWidgetPluginGui DraftsService Dragger DynamicRotate EchoSoundEffect EmotesPages EqualizerSoundEffect EventIngestService Explosion Feature File FileMesh Fire FlagStandService FlangeSoundEffect FlyweightService Folder ForceField FormFactorPart Frame FriendPages FriendService GamepadService GamePassService GenericSettings Geometry GlobalDataStore GoogleAnalyticsConfiguration GroupService GuiBase GuiBase3d GuidRegistryService GuiLabel GuiService HandleAdornment Handles HandlesBase HapticService HingeConstraint HttpRbxApiService HttpRequest HttpService Humanoid HumanoidController HumanoidDescription ILegacyStudioBridge ImageButton ImageHandleAdornment ImageLabel InputObject InsertService InstanceAdornment InternalContainer IntValue InventoryPages JointInstance KeyboardService Keyframe KeyframeMarker KeyframeSequence KeyframeSequenceProvider LanguageService LegacyStudioBridge Light Lighting LineForce LineHandleAdornment LocalizationService LocalizationTable LocalScript LocalStorageService LoginService LogService LuaSettings LuaWebService ManualGlue ManualSurfaceJointInstance ManualWeld MarketplaceService MemStorageConnection MemStorageService MeshContentProvider MeshPart MessagingService Model ModuleScript Motor Motor6D Mouse MouseService MultipleDocumentInterfaceInstance NegateOperation NetworkClient NetworkReplicator NetworkServer NoCollisionConstraint NonReplicatedCSGDictionaryService NotificationService NumberValue ObjectValue OrderedDataStore OutfitPages PackageService Pages Pants ParabolaAdornment Part PartAdornment ParticleEmitter PartOperation PartOperationAsset Path PathfindingService PermissionsService PhysicsService PhysicsSettings PitchShiftSoundEffect Platform Player PlayerEmulatorService PlayerGui PlayerMouse Players PlayerScripts Plugin PluginAction PluginDebugService PluginDragEvent PluginGui PluginGuiService PluginManager PluginManagerInterface PluginMenu PluginMouse PluginToolbar PluginToolbarButton PointLight PolicyService Pose PostEffect PrismaticConstraint ProximityPrompt PVAdornment QWidgetPluginGui RayValue RbxAnalyticsService ReflectionMetadata ReflectionMetadataCallbacks ReflectionMetadataClass ReflectionMetadataClasses ReflectionMetadataEnum ReflectionMetadataEnumItem ReflectionMetadataEnums ReflectionMetadataEvents ReflectionMetadataFunctions ReflectionMetadataItem ReflectionMetadataMember ReflectionMetadataProperties ReflectionMetadataYieldFunctions RemoteEvent RemoteFunction RenderingTest ReplicatedFirst ReplicatedScriptService ReplicatedStorage ReverbSoundEffect RobloxPluginGuiService RocketPropulsion RodConstraint RopeConstraint Rotate RotateP RotateV RunningAverageItemDouble RunningAverageItemInt RunningAverageTimeIntervalItem RunService RuntimeScriptService ScreenGui Script ScriptContext ScriptDebugger ScriptService ScrollingFrame Seat Selection SelectionBox SelectionLasso SelectionSphere ServerReplicator ServerScriptService ServerStorage SessionService Shirt ShirtGraphic SkateboardController Sky SlidingBallConstraint Smoke Snap SocialService SolidModelContentProvider Sound SoundEffect SoundGroup SoundService Sparkles SpawnerService SpawnLocation SpecialMesh SphereHandleAdornment SpotLight SpringConstraint StandalonePluginScripts StandardPages StarterCharacterScripts StarterGear StarterGui StarterPack StarterPlayer StarterPlayerScripts Stats StatsItem StopWatchReporter StringValue Studio StudioData StudioService StudioTheme SunRaysEffect SurfaceAppearance SurfaceGui SurfaceLight SurfaceSelection TaskScheduler Team Teams TeleportService Terrain TerrainRegion TestService TextBox TextButton TextFilterResult TextLabel TextService Texture ThirdPartyUserService TimerService Tool Torque TotalCountTimeIntervalItem TouchInputService TracerService Trail Translator TremoloSoundEffect TriangleMeshPart TrussPart Tween TweenService UGCValidationService UIAspectRatioConstraint UIBase UIComponent UIConstraint UICorner UIGradient UIGridLayout UILayout UIListLayout UIPadding UIPageLayout UIScale UISizeConstraint UITableLayout UITextSizeConstraint UnionOperation UnvalidatedAssetService UserGameSettings UserInputService UserService UserSettings UserStorageService ValueBase Vector3Value VectorForce VehicleController VehicleSeat VelocityMotor VersionControlService VideoFrame ViewportFrame VirtualInputManager VirtualUser WedgePart Weld WeldConstraint Workspace"

		local preFilter = string.split(classes, " ")
		local classArray = {}
		local fold ="Folder", workspace)
		for _, item in ipairs(preFilter) do

			local tempItem = nil
			local s, e = pcall(function()
				tempItem =, fold)
				tempItem.Name = item
			if s and fold:FindFirstChild(item)then
				table.insert(classArray, item)
		print(#preFilter, #classArray, (#preFilter - #classArray) .. " Removed")
		local output = "{\n"
		for _, item in ipairs(classArray) do
			output = output .. ("'%s',\n"):format(item)
		output = output .. "\n}"

		local scr ="Script", workspace)
		scr.Name = "OUTPUT"
		scr.Source = output

Here is the output of this for anyone who may need it!





















































































































































































Thanks to exhelsius and the link they gave we can just make a js script that gets all the class names from the website using Developer Tools.
Open Dev Tools by clicking (F12 on chrome, Ctrl+Shift+C on Opera GX) and go to the console tab. paste this:

const nonFormatedClasses = JSON.parse(document.querySelector('#__NEXT_DATA__').innerHTML).props.pageProps.navigation.navigationContent[0].navigation[1].section
const classes = []
for (var [key, value] of Object.entries(nonFormatedClasses)) {
  classes[classes.length] = value.title

and it will return all the classes inside a string. If you want to convert it to a lua array, do:

game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(<what the code printed>)

At the time of my post, this is the string json: