Get all properties of an Instance

function fetchProperties(classToCollect :string)
	local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
	local myProps :{string} = {}
	local apiDumpClasses = HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync(URL)).Classes
	local found = false

	repeat found = false
		for _, class in pairs(apiDumpClasses) do
			if class.Name ~= classToCollect then continue end
			for _, member in pairs(class.Members) do
				if member.MemberType == "Property" then
			classToCollect = class.Superclass
			found = true
		assert(found,"Class not found: "..classToCollect)
	until classToCollect == "<<<ROOT>>>"

	return myProps


Replace URL with https:// /Mancraze/RobloxInstancesProperties/main/Text
and remove the spaces


Thank you very much, you helped me a lot!

I figured out your script and redid it as I need, everything works! you helped me solve the problem

1 Like

I did as described in the tutorial, took the output file and used a python script to extract property names from all classes, filtering by Hidden and Deprecated

This was the result, a list of names for those who are thinking of creating a serializer (note, there are properties that cannot be written via script, as an example we have the MeshParts), good luck


Got as far as this for that section

1 Like

you can try running cmd as admin

Or if that doesn’t work, MaximumADHD aka clonetrooper keeps an archive on their github.


Made it into Table

local Properties = {
	["Accessory"] = {
		["AccessoryType"] = {}
	["Accoutrement"] = {
		["AttachmentForward"] = {},
		["AttachmentPoint"] = {},
		["AttachmentPos"] = {},
		["AttachmentRight"] = {},
		["AttachmentUp"] = {}
	["AlignOrientation"] = {
		["AlignType"] = {},
		["CFrame"] = {},
		["MaxAngularVelocity"] = {},
		["MaxTorque"] = {},
		["Mode"] = {},
		["PrimaryAxis"] = {},
		["PrimaryAxisOnly"] = {},
		["ReactionTorqueEnabled"] = {},
		["Responsiveness"] = {},
		["RigidityEnabled"] = {},
		["SecondaryAxis"] = {}
	["AlignPosition"] = {
		["ApplyAtCenterOfMass"] = {},
		["MaxForce"] = {},
		["MaxVelocity"] = {},
		["Mode"] = {},
		["Position"] = {},
		["ReactionForceEnabled"] = {},
		["Responsiveness"] = {},
		["RigidityEnabled"] = {}
	["AngularVelocity"] = {
		["AngularVelocity"] = {},
		["MaxTorque"] = {},
		["ReactionTorqueEnabled"] = {},
		["RelativeTo"] = {}
	["Animation"] = {
		["AnimationId"] = {}
	["AnimationClip"] = {
		["Loop"] = {},
		["Priority"] = {}
	["AnimationTrack"] = {
		["Animation"] = {},
		["IsPlaying"] = {},
		["Length"] = {},
		["Looped"] = {},
		["Priority"] = {},
		["Speed"] = {},
		["TimePosition"] = {},
		["WeightCurrent"] = {},
		["WeightTarget"] = {}
	["ArcHandles"] = {
		["Axes"] = {}
	["Atmosphere"] = {
		["Color"] = {},
		["Decay"] = {},
		["Density"] = {},
		["Glare"] = {},
		["Haze"] = {},
		["Offset"] = {}
	["Attachment"] = {
		["Axis"] = {},
		["CFrame"] = {},
		["Orientation"] = {},
		["Position"] = {},
		["SecondaryAxis"] = {},
		["Visible"] = {},
		["WorldAxis"] = {},
		["WorldCFrame"] = {},
		["WorldOrientation"] = {},
		["WorldPosition"] = {},
		["WorldSecondaryAxis"] = {}
	["BackpackItem"] = {
		["TextureId"] = {}
	["BallSocketConstraint"] = {
		["LimitsEnabled"] = {},
		["MaxFrictionTorque"] = {},
		["Radius"] = {},
		["Restitution"] = {},
		["TwistLimitsEnabled"] = {},
		["TwistLowerAngle"] = {},
		["TwistUpperAngle"] = {},
		["UpperAngle"] = {}
	["BasePart"] = {
		["Anchored"] = {},
		["AssemblyAngularVelocity"] = {},
		["AssemblyCenterOfMass"] = {},
		["AssemblyLinearVelocity"] = {},
		["AssemblyMass"] = {},
		["AssemblyRootPart"] = {},
		["BackSurface"] = {},
		["BottomSurface"] = {},
		["BrickColor"] = {},
		["CFrame"] = {},
		["CanCollide"] = {},
		["CanQuery"] = {},
		["CanTouch"] = {},
		["CastShadow"] = {},
		["CenterOfMass"] = {},
		["CollisionGroupId"] = {},
		["Color"] = {},
		["CustomPhysicalProperties"] = {},
		["FrontSurface"] = {},
		["LeftSurface"] = {},
		["Locked"] = {},
		["Mass"] = {},
		["Massless"] = {},
		["Material"] = {},
		["MaterialVariant"] = {},
		["Orientation"] = {},
		["PivotOffset"] = {},
		["Position"] = {},
		["Reflectance"] = {},
		["ResizeIncrement"] = {},
		["ResizeableFaces"] = {},
		["RightSurface"] = {},
		["RootPriority"] = {},
		["Rotation"] = {},
		["Size"] = {},
		["TopSurface"] = {},
		["Transparency"] = {}
	["BaseScript"] = {
		["Disabled"] = {},
		["LinkedSource"] = {}
	["BaseWrap"] = {
		["CageMeshId"] = {},
		["CageOrigin"] = {},
		["CageOriginWorld"] = {},
		["HSRAssetId"] = {},
		["ImportOrigin"] = {},
		["ImportOriginWorld"] = {}
	["Beam"] = {
		["Attachment0"] = {},
		["Attachment1"] = {},
		["Brightness"] = {},
		["Color"] = {},
		["CurveSize0"] = {},
		["CurveSize1"] = {},
		["Enabled"] = {},
		["FaceCamera"] = {},
		["LightEmission"] = {},
		["LightInfluence"] = {},
		["Segments"] = {},
		["Texture"] = {},
		["TextureLength"] = {},
		["TextureMode"] = {},
		["TextureSpeed"] = {},
		["Transparency"] = {},
		["Width0"] = {},
		["Width1"] = {},
		["ZOffset"] = {}
	["BillboardGui"] = {
		["Active"] = {},
		["Adornee"] = {},
		["AlwaysOnTop"] = {},
		["Brightness"] = {},
		["ClipsDescendants"] = {},
		["CurrentDistance"] = {},
		["DistanceLowerLimit"] = {},
		["DistanceStep"] = {},
		["DistanceUpperLimit"] = {},
		["ExtentsOffset"] = {},
		["ExtentsOffsetWorldSpace"] = {},
		["LightInfluence"] = {},
		["MaxDistance"] = {},
		["PlayerToHideFrom"] = {},
		["Size"] = {},
		["SizeOffset"] = {},
		["StudsOffset"] = {},
		["StudsOffsetWorldSpace"] = {}
	["BloomEffect"] = {
		["Intensity"] = {},
		["Size"] = {},
		["Threshold"] = {}
	["BlurEffect"] = {
		["Size"] = {}
	["BodyAngularVelocity"] = {
		["AngularVelocity"] = {},
		["MaxTorque"] = {},
		["P"] = {}
	["BodyColors"] = {
		["HeadColor"] = {},
		["HeadColor3"] = {},
		["LeftArmColor"] = {},
		["LeftArmColor3"] = {},
		["LeftLegColor"] = {},
		["LeftLegColor3"] = {},
		["RightArmColor"] = {},
		["RightArmColor3"] = {},
		["RightLegColor"] = {},
		["RightLegColor3"] = {},
		["TorsoColor"] = {},
		["TorsoColor3"] = {}
	["BodyForce"] = {
		["Force"] = {}
	["BodyGyro"] = {
		["CFrame"] = {},
		["D"] = {},
		["MaxTorque"] = {},
		["P"] = {}
	["BodyPosition"] = {
		["D"] = {},
		["MaxForce"] = {},
		["P"] = {},
		["Position"] = {}
	["BodyThrust"] = {
		["Force"] = {},
		["Location"] = {}
	["BodyVelocity"] = {
		["MaxForce"] = {},
		["P"] = {},
		["Velocity"] = {}
	["Bone"] = {
		["Transform"] = {},
		["TransformedCFrame"] = {},
		["TransformedWorldCFrame"] = {}
	["BoolValue"] = {
		["Value"] = {}
	["BoxHandleAdornment"] = {
		["Size"] = {}
	["BrickColorValue"] = {
		["Value"] = {}
	["CFrameValue"] = {
		["Value"] = {}
	["Camera"] = {
		["CFrame"] = {},
		["CameraSubject"] = {},
		["CameraType"] = {},
		["DiagonalFieldOfView"] = {},
		["FieldOfView"] = {},
		["FieldOfViewMode"] = {},
		["Focus"] = {},
		["HeadLocked"] = {},
		["HeadScale"] = {},
		["MaxAxisFieldOfView"] = {},
		["NearPlaneZ"] = {},
		["ViewportSize"] = {}
	["CanvasGroup"] = {
		["GroupColor"] = {},
		["GroupTransparency"] = {}
	["ChannelSelectorSoundEffect"] = {
		["Channel"] = {}
	["CharacterMesh"] = {
		["BaseTextureId"] = {},
		["BodyPart"] = {},
		["MeshId"] = {},
		["OverlayTextureId"] = {}
	["Chat"] = {
		["BubbleChatEnabled"] = {},
		["LoadDefaultChat"] = {}
	["ChatInputBarConfiguration"] = {
		["Enabled"] = {},
		["TargetTextChannel"] = {}
	["ChatWindowConfiguration"] = {
		["Enabled"] = {}
	["ChorusSoundEffect"] = {
		["Depth"] = {},
		["Mix"] = {},
		["Rate"] = {}
	["ClickDetector"] = {
		["CursorIcon"] = {},
		["MaxActivationDistance"] = {}
	["Clothing"] = {
		["Color3"] = {}
	["Clouds"] = {
		["Color"] = {},
		["Cover"] = {},
		["Density"] = {},
		["Enabled"] = {}
	["Color3Value"] = {
		["Value"] = {}
	["ColorCorrectionEffect"] = {
		["Brightness"] = {},
		["Contrast"] = {},
		["Saturation"] = {},
		["TintColor"] = {}
	["CommandInstance"] = {
		["AllowGUIAccessPoints"] = {},
		["Checked"] = {},
		["DefaultShortcut"] = {},
		["DisplayName"] = {},
		["Enabled"] = {},
		["Icon"] = {},
		["Name"] = {},
		["Permission"] = {},
		["StatusTip"] = {}
	["CompressorSoundEffect"] = {
		["Attack"] = {},
		["GainMakeup"] = {},
		["Ratio"] = {},
		["Release"] = {},
		["SideChain"] = {},
		["Threshold"] = {}
	["ConeHandleAdornment"] = {
		["Height"] = {},
		["Radius"] = {}
	["Constraint"] = {
		["Active"] = {},
		["Attachment0"] = {},
		["Attachment1"] = {},
		["Color"] = {},
		["Enabled"] = {},
		["Visible"] = {}
	["ContentProvider"] = {
		["BaseUrl"] = {},
		["RequestQueueSize"] = {}
	["CoreGui"] = {
		["SelectionImageObject"] = {},
		["Version"] = {}
	["CustomEventReceiver"] = {
		["Source"] = {}
	["CylinderHandleAdornment"] = {
		["Angle"] = {},
		["Height"] = {},
		["InnerRadius"] = {},
		["Radius"] = {}
	["CylindricalConstraint"] = {
		["AngularActuatorType"] = {},
		["AngularLimitsEnabled"] = {},
		["AngularResponsiveness"] = {},
		["AngularRestitution"] = {},
		["AngularSpeed"] = {},
		["AngularVelocity"] = {},
		["CurrentAngle"] = {},
		["InclinationAngle"] = {},
		["LowerAngle"] = {},
		["MotorMaxAngularAcceleration"] = {},
		["MotorMaxTorque"] = {},
		["RotationAxisVisible"] = {},
		["ServoMaxTorque"] = {},
		["TargetAngle"] = {},
		["UpperAngle"] = {},
		["WorldRotationAxis"] = {}
	["DataModel"] = {
		["CreatorId"] = {},
		["CreatorType"] = {},
		["GameId"] = {},
		["Genre"] = {},
		["JobId"] = {},
		["PlaceId"] = {},
		["PlaceVersion"] = {},
		["PrivateServerId"] = {},
		["PrivateServerOwnerId"] = {},
		["Workspace"] = {}
	["DataModelMesh"] = {
		["Offset"] = {},
		["Scale"] = {},
		["VertexColor"] = {}
	["DataStoreInfo"] = {
		["CreatedTime"] = {},
		["DataStoreName"] = {},
		["UpdatedTime"] = {}
	["DataStoreKey"] = {
		["KeyName"] = {}
	["DataStoreKeyInfo"] = {
		["CreatedTime"] = {},
		["UpdatedTime"] = {},
		["Version"] = {}
	["DataStoreObjectVersionInfo"] = {
		["CreatedTime"] = {},
		["IsDeleted"] = {},
		["Version"] = {}
	["DataStoreOptions"] = {
		["AllScopes"] = {}
	["DataStoreService"] = {
		["AutomaticRetry"] = {}
	["DebugSettings"] = {
		["DataModel"] = {},
		["InstanceCount"] = {},
		["IsScriptStackTracingEnabled"] = {},
		["JobCount"] = {},
		["PlayerCount"] = {},
		["ReportSoundWarnings"] = {},
		["RobloxVersion"] = {},
		["TickCountPreciseOverride"] = {}
	["DebuggerBreakpoint"] = {
		["Condition"] = {},
		["ContinueExecution"] = {},
		["IsEnabled"] = {},
		["Line"] = {},
		["LogExpression"] = {},
		["isContextDependentBreakpoint"] = {}
	["DebuggerManager"] = {
		["DebuggingEnabled"] = {}
	["DebuggerWatch"] = {
		["Expression"] = {}
	["Decal"] = {
		["Color3"] = {},
		["Texture"] = {},
		["Transparency"] = {},
		["ZIndex"] = {}
	["DepthOfFieldEffect"] = {
		["FarIntensity"] = {},
		["FocusDistance"] = {},
		["InFocusRadius"] = {},
		["NearIntensity"] = {}
	["Dialog"] = {
		["BehaviorType"] = {},
		["ConversationDistance"] = {},
		["GoodbyeChoiceActive"] = {},
		["GoodbyeDialog"] = {},
		["InUse"] = {},
		["InitialPrompt"] = {},
		["Purpose"] = {},
		["Tone"] = {},
		["TriggerDistance"] = {},
		["TriggerOffset"] = {}
	["DialogChoice"] = {
		["GoodbyeChoiceActive"] = {},
		["GoodbyeDialog"] = {},
		["ResponseDialog"] = {},
		["UserDialog"] = {}
	["DistortionSoundEffect"] = {
		["Level"] = {}
	["DockWidgetPluginGui"] = {
		["HostWidgetWasRestored"] = {}
	["DoubleConstrainedValue"] = {
		["MaxValue"] = {},
		["MinValue"] = {},
		["Value"] = {}
	["DraggerService"] = {
		["AlignDraggedObjects"] = {},
		["AngleSnapEnabled"] = {},
		["AngleSnapIncrement"] = {},
		["AnimateHover"] = {},
		["CollisionsEnabled"] = {},
		["DraggerCoordinateSpace"] = {},
		["DraggerMovementMode"] = {},
		["GeometrySnapColor"] = {},
		["HoverAnimateFrequency"] = {},
		["HoverThickness"] = {},
		["JointsEnabled"] = {},
		["LinearSnapEnabled"] = {},
		["LinearSnapIncrement"] = {},
		["PivotSnapToGeometry"] = {},
		["ShowHover"] = {},
		["ShowPivotIndicator"] = {}
	["DynamicRotate"] = {
		["BaseAngle"] = {}
	["EchoSoundEffect"] = {
		["Delay"] = {},
		["DryLevel"] = {},
		["Feedback"] = {},
		["WetLevel"] = {}
	["EqualizerSoundEffect"] = {
		["HighGain"] = {},
		["LowGain"] = {},
		["MidGain"] = {}
	["EulerRotationCurve"] = {
		["RotationOrder"] = {}
	["Explosion"] = {
		["BlastPressure"] = {},
		["BlastRadius"] = {},
		["DestroyJointRadiusPercent"] = {},
		["ExplosionType"] = {},
		["Position"] = {},
		["TimeScale"] = {},
		["Visible"] = {}
	["FaceControls"] = {
		["ChinRaiser"] = {},
		["ChinRaiserUpperLip"] = {},
		["Corrugator"] = {},
		["EyesLookDown"] = {},
		["EyesLookLeft"] = {},
		["EyesLookRight"] = {},
		["EyesLookUp"] = {},
		["FlatPucker"] = {},
		["Funneler"] = {},
		["JawDrop"] = {},
		["JawLeft"] = {},
		["JawRight"] = {},
		["LeftBrowLowerer"] = {},
		["LeftCheekPuff"] = {},
		["LeftCheekRaiser"] = {},
		["LeftDimpler"] = {},
		["LeftEyeClosed"] = {},
		["LeftEyeUpperLidRaiser"] = {},
		["LeftInnerBrowRaiser"] = {},
		["LeftLipCornerDown"] = {},
		["LeftLipCornerPuller"] = {},
		["LeftLipStretcher"] = {},
		["LeftLowerLipDepressor"] = {},
		["LeftNoseWrinkler"] = {},
		["LeftOuterBrowRaiser"] = {},
		["LeftUpperLipRaiser"] = {},
		["LipPresser"] = {},
		["LipsTogether"] = {},
		["LowerLipSuck"] = {},
		["MouthLeft"] = {},
		["MouthRight"] = {},
		["Pucker"] = {},
		["RightBrowLowerer"] = {},
		["RightCheekPuff"] = {},
		["RightCheekRaiser"] = {},
		["RightDimpler"] = {},
		["RightEyeClosed"] = {},
		["RightEyeUpperLidRaiser"] = {},
		["RightInnerBrowRaiser"] = {},
		["RightLipCornerDown"] = {},
		["RightLipCornerPuller"] = {},
		["RightLipStretcher"] = {},
		["RightLowerLipDepressor"] = {},
		["RightNoseWrinkler"] = {},
		["RightOuterBrowRaiser"] = {},
		["RightUpperLipRaiser"] = {},
		["TongueDown"] = {},
		["TongueOut"] = {},
		["TongueUp"] = {},
		["UpperLipSuck"] = {}
	["FaceInstance"] = {
		["Face"] = {}
	["Feature"] = {
		["FaceId"] = {},
		["InOut"] = {},
		["LeftRight"] = {},
		["TopBottom"] = {}
	["FileMesh"] = {
		["MeshId"] = {},
		["TextureId"] = {}
	["Fire"] = {
		["Color"] = {},
		["Enabled"] = {},
		["Heat"] = {},
		["SecondaryColor"] = {},
		["Size"] = {},
		["TimeScale"] = {}
	["Flag"] = {
		["TeamColor"] = {}
	["FlagStand"] = {
		["TeamColor"] = {}
	["FlangeSoundEffect"] = {
		["Depth"] = {},
		["Mix"] = {},
		["Rate"] = {}
	["FloatCurve"] = {
		["Length"] = {}
	["FloorWire"] = {
		["CycleOffset"] = {},
		["From"] = {},
		["StudsBetweenTextures"] = {},
		["Texture"] = {},
		["TextureSize"] = {},
		["To"] = {},
		["Velocity"] = {},
		["WireRadius"] = {}
	["ForceField"] = {
		["Visible"] = {}
	["Frame"] = {
		["Style"] = {}
	["FunctionalTest"] = {
		["Description"] = {}
	["GameSettings"] = {
		["AdditionalCoreIncludeDirs"] = {},
		["OverrideStarterScript"] = {},
		["VideoCaptureEnabled"] = {},
		["VideoRecording"] = {}
	["GamepadService"] = {
		["GamepadCursorEnabled"] = {}
	["Glue"] = {
		["F0"] = {},
		["F1"] = {},
		["F2"] = {},
		["F3"] = {}
	["GuiBase2d"] = {
		["AbsolutePosition"] = {},
		["AbsoluteRotation"] = {},
		["AbsoluteSize"] = {},
		["AutoLocalize"] = {},
		["RootLocalizationTable"] = {}
	["GuiBase3d"] = {
		["Color3"] = {},
		["Transparency"] = {},
		["Visible"] = {}
	["GuiButton"] = {
		["AutoButtonColor"] = {},
		["Modal"] = {},
		["Selected"] = {},
		["Style"] = {}
	["GuiObject"] = {
		["Active"] = {},
		["AnchorPoint"] = {},
		["AutomaticSize"] = {},
		["BackgroundColor3"] = {},
		["BackgroundTransparency"] = {},
		["BorderColor3"] = {},
		["BorderMode"] = {},
		["BorderSizePixel"] = {},
		["ClipsDescendants"] = {},
		["LayoutOrder"] = {},
		["NextSelectionDown"] = {},
		["NextSelectionLeft"] = {},
		["NextSelectionRight"] = {},
		["NextSelectionUp"] = {},
		["Position"] = {},
		["Rotation"] = {},
		["Selectable"] = {},
		["SelectionImageObject"] = {},
		["Size"] = {},
		["SizeConstraint"] = {},
		["Visible"] = {},
		["ZIndex"] = {}
	["GuiService"] = {
		["AutoSelectGuiEnabled"] = {},
		["CoreGuiNavigationEnabled"] = {},
		["GuiNavigationEnabled"] = {},
		["MenuIsOpen"] = {},
		["SelectedObject"] = {},
		["TouchControlsEnabled"] = {}
	["HandleAdornment"] = {
		["AdornCullingMode"] = {},
		["AlwaysOnTop"] = {},
		["CFrame"] = {},
		["SizeRelativeOffset"] = {},
		["ZIndex"] = {}
	["Handles"] = {
		["Faces"] = {},
		["Style"] = {}
	["Highlight"] = {
		["Adornee"] = {},
		["DepthMode"] = {},
		["Enabled"] = {},
		["FillColor"] = {},
		["FillTransparency"] = {},
		["OutlineColor"] = {},
		["OutlineTransparency"] = {}
	["HingeConstraint"] = {
		["ActuatorType"] = {},
		["AngularResponsiveness"] = {},
		["AngularSpeed"] = {},
		["AngularVelocity"] = {},
		["CurrentAngle"] = {},
		["LimitsEnabled"] = {},
		["LowerAngle"] = {},
		["MotorMaxAcceleration"] = {},
		["MotorMaxTorque"] = {},
		["Radius"] = {},
		["Restitution"] = {},
		["ServoMaxTorque"] = {},
		["TargetAngle"] = {},
		["UpperAngle"] = {}
	["HopperBin"] = {
		["Active"] = {},
		["BinType"] = {}
	["HttpService"] = {
		["HttpEnabled"] = {}
	["Humanoid"] = {
		["AutoJumpEnabled"] = {},
		["AutoRotate"] = {},
		["AutomaticScalingEnabled"] = {},
		["BreakJointsOnDeath"] = {},
		["CameraOffset"] = {},
		["DisplayDistanceType"] = {},
		["DisplayName"] = {},
		["FloorMaterial"] = {},
		["Health"] = {},
		["HealthDisplayDistance"] = {},
		["HealthDisplayType"] = {},
		["HipHeight"] = {},
		["Jump"] = {},
		["JumpHeight"] = {},
		["JumpPower"] = {},
		["MaxHealth"] = {},
		["MaxSlopeAngle"] = {},
		["MoveDirection"] = {},
		["NameDisplayDistance"] = {},
		["NameOcclusion"] = {},
		["PlatformStand"] = {},
		["RequiresNeck"] = {},
		["RigType"] = {},
		["RootPart"] = {},
		["SeatPart"] = {},
		["Sit"] = {},
		["TargetPoint"] = {},
		["UseJumpPower"] = {},
		["WalkSpeed"] = {},
		["WalkToPart"] = {},
		["WalkToPoint"] = {}
	["HumanoidDescription"] = {
		["AccessoryBlob"] = {},
		["BackAccessory"] = {},
		["BodyTypeScale"] = {},
		["ClimbAnimation"] = {},
		["DepthScale"] = {},
		["Face"] = {},
		["FaceAccessory"] = {},
		["FallAnimation"] = {},
		["FrontAccessory"] = {},
		["GraphicTShirt"] = {},
		["HairAccessory"] = {},
		["HatAccessory"] = {},
		["Head"] = {},
		["HeadColor"] = {},
		["HeadScale"] = {},
		["HeightScale"] = {},
		["IdleAnimation"] = {},
		["JumpAnimation"] = {},
		["LeftArm"] = {},
		["LeftArmColor"] = {},
		["LeftLeg"] = {},
		["LeftLegColor"] = {},
		["NeckAccessory"] = {},
		["Pants"] = {},
		["ProportionScale"] = {},
		["RightArm"] = {},
		["RightArmColor"] = {},
		["RightLeg"] = {},
		["RightLegColor"] = {},
		["RunAnimation"] = {},
		["Shirt"] = {},
		["ShouldersAccessory"] = {},
		["SwimAnimation"] = {},
		["Torso"] = {},
		["TorsoColor"] = {},
		["WaistAccessory"] = {},
		["WalkAnimation"] = {},
		["WidthScale"] = {}
	["ImageButton"] = {
		["HoverImage"] = {},
		["Image"] = {},
		["ImageColor3"] = {},
		["ImageRectOffset"] = {},
		["ImageRectSize"] = {},
		["ImageTransparency"] = {},
		["IsLoaded"] = {},
		["PressedImage"] = {},
		["ResampleMode"] = {},
		["ScaleType"] = {},
		["SliceCenter"] = {},
		["SliceScale"] = {},
		["TileSize"] = {}
	["ImageHandleAdornment"] = {
		["Image"] = {},
		["Size"] = {}
	["ImageLabel"] = {
		["Image"] = {},
		["ImageColor3"] = {},
		["ImageRectOffset"] = {},
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		["TestCount"] = {},
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		["Text"] = {},
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		["TextSource"] = {},
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	["TextChatMessageProperties"] = {
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		["Text"] = {}
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		["StudsPerTileV"] = {}
	["Tool"] = {
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	["TorsionSpringConstraint"] = {
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		["MaxTorque"] = {},
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		["Attachment1"] = {},
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	["Translator"] = {
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	["TremoloSoundEffect"] = {
		["Depth"] = {},
		["Duty"] = {},
		["Frequency"] = {}
	["TriangleMeshPart"] = {
		["CollisionFidelity"] = {}
	["TrussPart"] = {
		["Style"] = {}
	["Tween"] = {
		["Instance"] = {},
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		["Restitution"] = {}
	["UserGameSettings"] = {
		["AllTutorialsDisabled"] = {},
		["CameraMode"] = {},
		["ChatVisible"] = {},
		["ComputerCameraMovementMode"] = {},
		["ComputerMovementMode"] = {},
		["ControlMode"] = {},
		["Fullscreen"] = {},
		["GamepadCameraSensitivity"] = {},
		["GraphicsQualityLevel"] = {},
		["HasEverUsedVR"] = {},
		["MasterVolume"] = {},
		["MouseSensitivity"] = {},
		["OnboardingsCompleted"] = {},
		["RCCProfilerRecordFrameRate"] = {},
		["RCCProfilerRecordTimeFrame"] = {},
		["RotationType"] = {},
		["SavedQualityLevel"] = {},
		["StartMaximized"] = {},
		["StartScreenPosition"] = {},
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		["TouchMovementMode"] = {},
		["UsedCoreGuiIsVisibleToggle"] = {},
		["UsedCustomGuiIsVisibleToggle"] = {},
		["UsedHideHudShortcut"] = {},
		["VREnabled"] = {},
		["VRRotationIntensity"] = {},
		["VignetteEnabled"] = {}
	["UserInputService"] = {
		["AccelerometerEnabled"] = {},
		["GamepadEnabled"] = {},
		["GyroscopeEnabled"] = {},
		["KeyboardEnabled"] = {},
		["MouseBehavior"] = {},
		["MouseDeltaSensitivity"] = {},
		["MouseEnabled"] = {},
		["MouseIconEnabled"] = {},
		["OnScreenKeyboardPosition"] = {},
		["OnScreenKeyboardSize"] = {},
		["OnScreenKeyboardVisible"] = {},
		["TouchEnabled"] = {},
		["VREnabled"] = {}
	["VRService"] = {
		["GuiInputUserCFrame"] = {},
		["VREnabled"] = {}
	["Vector3Value"] = {
		["Value"] = {}
	["VectorForce"] = {
		["ApplyAtCenterOfMass"] = {},
		["Force"] = {},
		["RelativeTo"] = {}
	["VehicleSeat"] = {
		["AreHingesDetected"] = {},
		["Disabled"] = {},
		["HeadsUpDisplay"] = {},
		["MaxSpeed"] = {},
		["Occupant"] = {},
		["Steer"] = {},
		["SteerFloat"] = {},
		["Throttle"] = {},
		["ThrottleFloat"] = {},
		["Torque"] = {},
		["TurnSpeed"] = {}
	["VelocityMotor"] = {
		["CurrentAngle"] = {},
		["DesiredAngle"] = {},
		["Hole"] = {},
		["MaxVelocity"] = {}
	["VideoFrame"] = {
		["IsLoaded"] = {},
		["Looped"] = {},
		["Playing"] = {},
		["Resolution"] = {},
		["TimeLength"] = {},
		["TimePosition"] = {},
		["Video"] = {},
		["Volume"] = {}
	["ViewportFrame"] = {
		["Ambient"] = {},
		["CurrentCamera"] = {},
		["ImageColor3"] = {},
		["ImageTransparency"] = {},
		["LightColor"] = {},
		["LightDirection"] = {}
	["VoiceChatService"] = {
		["EnableDefaultVoice"] = {}
	["VoiceSource"] = {
		["UserId"] = {}
	["WeldConstraint"] = {
		["Active"] = {},
		["Enabled"] = {},
		["Part0"] = {},
		["Part1"] = {}
	["Workspace"] = {
        ["AllowThirdPartySales"] = {},
        ["AnimationWeightedBlendFix"] = {},
        ["ClientAnimatorThrottling"] = {},
        ["CurrentCamera"] = {},
        ["DistributedGameTime"] = {},
        ["FallenPartsDestroyHeight"] = {},
        ["GlobalWind"] = {},
        ["Gravity"] = {},
        ["HumanoidOnlySetCollisionsOnStateChange"] = {},
        ["InterpolationThrottling"] = {},
        ["MeshPartHeadsAndAccessories"] = {},
        ["PhysicsSteppingMethod"] = {},
        ["ReplicateInstanceDestroySetting"] = {},
        ["Retargeting"] = {},
        ["SignalBehavior"] = {},
        ["StreamOutBehavior"] = {},
        ["StreamingEnabled"] = {},
        ["StreamingMinRadius"] = {},
        ["StreamingPauseMode"] = {},
        ["StreamingTargetRadius"] = {},
        ["Terrain"] = {},
        ["TouchesUseCollisionGroups"] = {}
    ["WrapLayer"] = {
        ["BindOffset"] = {},
        ["Color"] = {},
        ["DebugMode"] = {},
        ["Enabled"] = {},
        ["Order"] = {},
        ["Puffiness"] = {},
        ["ReferenceMeshId"] = {},
        ["ReferenceOrigin"] = {},
        ["ReferenceOriginWorld"] = {},
        ["ShrinkFactor"] = {}
    ["WrapTarget"] = {
        ["Color"] = {},
        ["DebugMode"] = {},
        ["Stiffness"] = {}

I actually created a module script, that does these functions, and should be the most updated version.

ClassInfo --> (Module Script)
  .tweenDifference() --> (editingInstance : Instance, goalInstance : Instance, tweenInfo : TweenInfo, exceptionProperties : {string}) tweens all the properties in the editingInstance (except the properties passed in the excluded parameter), using the passed tweenInfo or

  > ClassesModule --> (Module Script)
    .API_Version --> (Number) The current API version.
    .getAllClassNames() --> Returns all class names.
    .ChangeDefaultDetails() --> (detailName : string, value : boolean) Changes the default parameters for all of the search functions.
    .getInfo() --> (ClassName : string, details : {}) Gets information from a class i.e. thready safety, deprecated, canWrite, canRead, parameters (if a function), etc.
    .getInstanceProperties() --> (passedInstance : Instance, details : {}) Gets all properties of an instance and the properties using the getInfo() function, then excluding non-properties, along with following the details parameters.
    .getPropertiesDifferences() --> (instance1 : Instance, instance2 : Instance, details : {}) Gets the difference in preperty values between two instances of the same class.
  > TweenModule --> (Module Script)
    .tweenableTypes --> ({string})
    .canTweenValue() --> (value) returns if the value can be tweened.

Converted it into roblox table

local Data = {
	Accessory = {
	Accoutrement = {
	AlignOrientation = {
	AlignPosition = {
	AngularVelocity = {
	Animation = {
	AnimationClip = {
	AnimationTrack = {
	ArcHandles = {
	Atmosphere = {
	Attachment = {
	BackpackItem = {
	BallSocketConstraint = {
	BasePart = {
	BaseScript = {
	BaseWrap = {
	Beam = {
	BillboardGui = {
	BloomEffect = {
	BlurEffect = {
	BodyAngularVelocity = {
	BodyColors = {
	BodyForce = {
	BodyGyro = {
	BodyPosition = {
	BodyThrust = {
	BodyVelocity = {
	Bone = {
	BoolValue = {
	BoxHandleAdornment = {
	BrickColorValue = {
	CFrameValue = {
	Camera = {
	CanvasGroup = {
	ChannelSelectorSoundEffect = {
	CharacterMesh = {
	Chat = {
	ChatInputBarConfiguration = {
	ChatWindowConfiguration = {
	ChorusSoundEffect = {
	ClickDetector = {
	Clothing = {
	Clouds = {
	Color3Value = {
	ColorCorrectionEffect = {
	CommandInstance = {
	CompressorSoundEffect = {
	ConeHandleAdornment = {
	Constraint = {
	ContentProvider = {
	CoreGui = {
	CustomEventReceiver = {
	CylinderHandleAdornment = {
	CylindricalConstraint = {
	DataModel = {
	DataModelMesh = {
	DataStoreInfo = {
	DataStoreKey = {
	DataStoreKeyInfo = {
	DataStoreObjectVersionInfo = {
	DataStoreOptions = {
	DataStoreService = {
	DebugSettings = {
	DebuggerBreakpoint = {
	DebuggerManager = {
	DebuggerWatch = {
	Decal = {
	DepthOfFieldEffect = {
	Dialog = {
	DialogChoice = {
	DistortionSoundEffect = {
	DockWidgetPluginGui = {
	DoubleConstrainedValue = {
	DraggerService = {
	DynamicRotate = {
	EchoSoundEffect = {
	EqualizerSoundEffect = {
	EulerRotationCurve = {
	Explosion = {
	FaceControls = {
	FaceInstance = {
	Feature = {
	FileMesh = {
	Fire = {
	Flag = {
	FlagStand = {
	FlangeSoundEffect = {
	FloatCurve = {
	FloorWire = {
	ForceField = {
	Frame = {
	FunctionalTest = {
	GameSettings = {
	GamepadService = {
	Glue = {
	GuiBase2d = {
	GuiBase3d = {
	GuiButton = {
	GuiObject = {
	GuiService = {
	HandleAdornment = {
	Handles = {
	Highlight = {
	HingeConstraint = {
	HopperBin = {
	HttpService = {
	Humanoid = {
	HumanoidDescription = {
	ImageButton = {
	ImageHandleAdornment = {
	ImageLabel = {
	ImporterBaseSettings = {
	ImporterGroupSettings = {
	ImporterMaterialSettings = {
	ImporterMeshSettings = {
	ImporterRootSettings = {
	ImporterTextureSettings = {
	InputObject = {
	InsertService = {
	Instance = {
	InstanceAdornment = {
	IntConstrainedValue = {
	IntValue = {
	JointInstance = {
	Keyframe = {
	KeyframeMarker = {
	LayerCollector = {
	Light = {
	Lighting = {
	LineForce = {
	LineHandleAdornment = {
	LinearVelocity = {
	LocalizationService = {
	LocalizationTable = {
	LuaSourceContainer = {
	MarkerCurve = {
	MaterialService = {
	MaterialVariant = {
	MeshPart = {
	Message = {
	Model = {
	ModuleScript = {
	Motor = {
	Motor6D = {
	Mouse = {
	NetworkSettings = {
	NoCollisionConstraint = {
	NotificationService = {
	NumberPose = {
	NumberValue = {
	ObjectValue = {
	PVAdornment = {
	PackageLink = {
	Pages = {
	Pants = {
	Part = {
	PartAdornment = {
	PartOperation = {
	ParticleEmitter = {
	Path = {
	PathfindingLink = {
	PathfindingModifier = {
	PhysicsSettings = {
	PitchShiftSoundEffect = {
	Player = {
	PlayerGui = {
	Players = {
	Plugin = {
	PluginAction = {
	PluginDragEvent = {
	PluginGui = {
	PluginMenu = {
	PluginToolbarButton = {
	PointLight = {
	Pose = {
	PoseBase = {
	PostEffect = {
	ProximityPrompt = {
	ProximityPromptService = {
	RayValue = {
	ReflectionMetadataClass = {
	ReflectionMetadataItem = {
	RenderSettings = {
	RenderingTest = {
	ReverbSoundEffect = {
	RigidConstraint = {
	RocketPropulsion = {
	RodConstraint = {
	RopeConstraint = {
	RotationCurve = {
	RunService = {
	ScreenGui = {
	Script = {
	ScriptDebugger = {
	ScrollingFrame = {
	Seat = {
	Selection = {
	SelectionBox = {
	SelectionLasso = {
	SelectionPartLasso = {
	SelectionPointLasso = {
	SelectionSphere = {
	ServerScriptService = {
	Shirt = {
	ShirtGraphic = {
	SkateboardController = {
	SkateboardPlatform = {
	Skin = {
	Sky = {
	SlidingBallConstraint = {
	Smoke = {
	Sound = {
	SoundEffect = {
	SoundGroup = {
	SoundService = {
	Sparkles = {
	SpawnLocation = {
	Speaker = {
	SpecialMesh = {
	SphereHandleAdornment = {
	SpotLight = {
	SpringConstraint = {
	StarterGui = {
	StarterPlayer = {
	Stats = {
	StringValue = {
	Studio = {
	StudioService = {
	SunRaysEffect = {
	SurfaceAppearance = {
	SurfaceGui = {
	SurfaceLight = {
	SurfaceSelection = {
	TaskScheduler = {
	Team = {
	TeleportAsyncResult = {
	TeleportOptions = {
	Terrain = {
	TerrainDetail = {
	TerrainRegion = {
	TestService = {
	TextBox = {
	TextButton = {
	TextChatCommand = {
	TextChatMessage = {
	TextChatMessageProperties = {
	TextChatService = {
	TextLabel = {
	TextSource = {
	Texture = {
	Tool = {
	Torque = {
	TorsionSpringConstraint = {
	Trail = {
	Translator = {
	TremoloSoundEffect = {
	TriangleMeshPart = {
	TrussPart = {
	Tween = {
	TweenBase = {
	UIAspectRatioConstraint = {
	UICorner = {
	UIGradient = {
	UIGridLayout = {
	UIGridStyleLayout = {
	UIListLayout = {
	UIPadding = {
	UIPageLayout = {
	UIScale = {
	UISizeConstraint = {
	UIStroke = {
	UITableLayout = {
	UITextSizeConstraint = {
	UniversalConstraint = {
	UserGameSettings = {
	UserInputService = {
	VRService = {
	Vector3Value = {
	VectorForce = {
	VehicleSeat = {
	VelocityMotor = {
	VideoFrame = {
	ViewportFrame = {
	VoiceChatService = {
	VoiceSource = {
	WeldConstraint = {
	Workspace = {
	WrapLayer = {
	WrapTarget = {


Can you please tell me how you did tht ? I was searching for a property list and you helped me a lot

Here i used the roblox endpoints

1 Like

Hello. This doesn’t seem to work for me. the link provided is the one from before, and it says access denied, even after I provided the studio version. Am I doing something wrong?

1 Like

Hello . May I know if it is possible to find the lsit of properties sorted like the properties? eg)data,appearance,localisation,selection
thanks :smiley:

Sorry, I didn’t understand what you meant

he means the category that the element is in btw

I made this tool for this task

honestly, i tried using this for a ‘replacement’ script where it replaces something like a frame to a textbutton, but why does [“Frame”] only have [“Style”] and not everything else? like backgroundcolor3, Zindex, etc

1 Like

It’s because frames are GuiObjects (which is a base type such as BasePart)
You can check this by doing frame:IsA(“GuiObject”)
All the properties under the GuiObject are shared between every sub-class

1 Like

For anyone in the future reading this; there exists a resource that does this already.
API Service


oh hm, i guess i will try it later if i find the project