Get full name of Country using LocalizationService

Hello devlopers,
i’m releasing my script to get the country exact full name of someone in roblox ServerSided using GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync => LocalizationService | Roblox Creator Documentation

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local LocalizationService = game:GetService("LocalizationService")

local CountryCodes = {

AF = "Afghanistan",

AX = "Åland Islands",

AL = "Albania",

DZ = "Algeria",

AS = "American Samoa",

AD = "Andorra",

AO = "Angola",

AI = "Anguilla",

AQ = "Antarctica",

AG = "Antigua and Barbuda",

AR = "Argentina",

AM = "Armenia",

AW = "Aruba",

AU = "Australia",

AT = "Austria",

AZ = "Azerbaijan",

BS = "Bahamas",

BH = "Bahrain",

BD = "Bangladesh",

BB = "Barbados",

BY = "Belarus",

BE = "Belgium",

BZ = "Belize",

BJ = "Benin",

BM = "Bermuda",

BT = "Bhutan",

BO = "Bolivia",

BA = "Bosnia and Herzegovina",

BW = "Botswana",

BV = "Bouvet Island",

BR = "Brazil",

IO = "British Indian Ocean Territory",

BN = "Brunei Darussalam",

BG = "Bulgaria",

BF = "Burkina Faso",

BI = "Burundi",

KH = "Cambodia",

CM = "Cameroon",

CA = "Canada",

CV = "Cape Verde",

KY = "Cayman Islands",

CF = "Central African Republic",

TD = "Chad",

CL = "Chile",

CN = "China",

CX = "Christmas Island",

CC = "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",

CO = "Colombia",

KM = "Comoros",

CG = "Congo",

CD = "Congo, The Democratic Republic of The",

CK = "Cook Islands",

CR = "Costa Rica",

CI = "Cote D'ivoire",

HR = "Croatia",

CU = "Cuba",

CY = "Cyprus",

CZ = "Czech Republic",

DK = "Denmark",

DJ = "Djibouti",

DM = "Dominica",

DO = "Dominican Republic",

EC = "Ecuador",

EG = "Egypt",

SV = "El Salvador",

GQ = "Equatorial Guinea",

ER = "Eritrea",

EE = "Estonia",

ET = "Ethiopia",

FK = "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",

FO = "Faroe Islands",

FJ = "Fiji",

FI = "Finland",

FR = "France",

GF = "French Guiana",

PF = "French Polynesia",

TF = "French Southern Territories",

GA = "Gabon",

GM = "Gambia",

GE = "Georgia",

DE = "Germany",

GH = "Ghana",

GI = "Gibraltar",

GR = "Greece",

GL = "Greenland",

GD = "Grenada",

GP = "Guadeloupe",

GU = "Guam",

GT = "Guatemala",

GG = "Guernsey",

GN = "Guinea",

GW = "Guinea-bissau",

GY = "Guyana",

HT = "Haiti",

HM = "Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands",

VA = "Holy See (Vatican City State)",

HN = "Honduras",

HK = "Hong Kong",

HU = "Hungary",

IS = "Iceland",

IN = "India",

ID = "Indonesia",

IR = "Iran, Islamic Republic of",

IQ = "Iraq",

IE = "Ireland",

IM = "Isle of Man",

IL = "Israel",

IT = "Italy",

JM = "Jamaica",

JP = "Japan",

JE = "Jersey",

JO = "Jordan",

KZ = "Kazakhstan",

KE = "Kenya",

KI = "Kiribati",

KP = "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",

KR = "Korea, Republic of",

KW = "Kuwait",

KG = "Kyrgyzstan",

LA = "Lao People's Democratic Republic",

LV = "Latvia",

LB = "Lebanon",

LS = "Lesotho",

LR = "Liberia",

LY = "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",

LI = "Liechtenstein",

LT = "Lithuania",

LU = "Luxembourg",

MO = "Macao",

MK = "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of",

MG = "Madagascar",

MW = "Malawi",

MY = "Malaysia",

MV = "Maldives",

ML = "Mali",

MT = "Malta",

MH = "Marshall Islands",

MQ = "Martinique",

MR = "Mauritania",

MU = "Mauritius",

YT = "Mayotte",

MX = "Mexico",

FM = "Micronesia, Federated States of",

MD = "Moldova, Republic of",

MC = "Monaco",

MN = "Mongolia",

ME = "Montenegro",

MS = "Montserrat",

MA = "Morocco",

MZ = "Mozambique",

MM = "Myanmar",

NA = "Namibia",

NR = "Nauru",

NP = "Nepal",

NL = "Netherlands",

AN = "Netherlands Antilles",

NC = "New Caledonia",

NZ = "New Zealand",

NI = "Nicaragua",

NE = "NigerAfrica",

NG = "Nigeria",

NU = "Niue",

NF = "Norfolk Island",

MP = "Northern Mariana Islands",

NO = "Norway",

OM = "Oman",

PK = "Pakistan",

PW = "Palau",

PS = "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",

PA = "Panama",

PG = "Papua New Guinea",

PY = "Paraguay",

PE = "Peru",

PH = "Philippines",

PN = "Pitcairn",

PL = "Poland",

PT = "Portugal",

PR = "Puerto Rico",

QA = "Qatar",

RE = "Reunion",

RO = "Romania",

RU = "Russian Federation",

RW = "Rwanda",

BL = "Saint Barthélemy",

SH = "Saint Helena",

KN = "Saint Kitts and Nevis",

LC = "Saint Lucia",

MF = "Saint Martin",

PM = "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",

VC = "Saint Vincent and The Grenadines",

WS = "Samoa",

SM = "San Marino",

ST = "Sao Tome and Principe",

SA = "Saudi Arabia",

SN = "Senegal",

RS = "Serbia",

SC = "Seychelles",

SL = "Sierra Leone",

SG = "Singapore",

SK = "Slovakia",

SI = "Slovenia",

SB = "Solomon Islands",

SO = "Somalia",

ZA = "South Africa",

GS = "South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands",

ES = "Spain",

LK = "Sri Lanka",

SD = "Sudan",

SR = "Suriname",

SJ = "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",

SZ = "Swaziland",

SE = "Sweden",

CH = "Switzerland",

SY = "Syrian Arab Republic",

TW = "Taiwan, Province of China",

TJ = "Tajikistan",

TZ = "Tanzania, United Republic of",

TH = "Thailand",

TL = "Timor-leste",

TG = "Togo",

TK = "Tokelau",

TO = "Tonga",

TT = "Trinidad and Tobago",

TN = "Tunisia",

TR = "Turkey",

TM = "Turkmenistan",

TC = "Turks and Caicos Islands",

TV = "Tuvalu",

UG = "Uganda",

UA = "Ukraine",

AE = "United Arab Emirates",

GB = "United Kingdom",

US = "United States",

UM = "United States Minor Outlying Islands",

UY = "Uruguay",

UZ = "Uzbekistan",

VU = "Vanuatu",

VE = "Venezuela",

VN = "Viet Nam",

VG = "Virgin Islands, British",

VI = "Virgin Islands, U.S.",

WF = "Wallis and Futuna",

EH = "Western Sahara",

YE = "Yemen",

ZM = "Zambia",

ZW = "Zimbabwe"


local function getCountryName(code)

return CountryCodes[code] or "Unknown"



local success, code = pcall(LocalizationService.GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync, LocalizationService, player)

if success and code then



print(success, code)



Note that this information may not be accurate, as it is based on the user’s IP address and may not reflect their true location, thanks for reading. Have a nice day!


Thats quite Nice! However i do not see a use case for it…

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When use GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync function its not easy nobody know NC is New Caledonia for exemple you can make it a Module for something else i don’t know.

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They can just google it right?

But in this script all is auto and for display it in a TextLabel for exemple you will never go to all server and do it by your hand :thinking: :rofl: .

Why does the player need to be reminded of where they are?

Who said the player ? Maybe for some badge in game is they are afghanistant they get afghanistant badge or some perks per country for exemple country update or something else i don’t know what you want to achieve by this discussion.

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Im trying to acheive the purpose of this module.

Now why would any game award their players for where they are in the world?

But sure lets say someone made a badge for people who lives in Vietnam, they can just simply check the code if its “VN” and then just give the player the badge

I dont mean to be rude by any means, its a cool module, however its not really that useful :confused:.

Then tell devlopers what they can do in ressources :rofl:

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I personally disagree with this post/reply. I think it could be very useful if for any reason you ever want to add the country someone is from inside of something such as a leaderstats, text labels or something such as this. Sure this module is very basic but if I ever wanted to do something such as this I rather not have to write all of the values up myself so this would be great for that.

To be quite honest the award system based on country I think was a bad example of a use case. A possible use case could be if you want it to show in a leaderstats that someone is from a country (may just be a feature).


There is many things you could add inside of #resources:community-resources . For example, I made a mass comment remove code that allowed people to mass remove comments from a group because there is no current way to do this in the group itself.

Community resources is basically just anything you made that you think other people may be able to use or just in general you wish to give to the community. I would not take users who complain and try to find no point to your resource to heart. There will always be 1-2 people who wish to find something to complain about.


Leaderboards do sound like a good idea, however country names tend to be long, for example “IO” represents “Birtish Indian Ocean Territory”, so personally if i wanted to implement something like that I’d stick with the abbreviation.

Big fan btw

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thank you so much for this you saved me a lot of time

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I’m happy i helped you !


Very helpful! Thanks so much :slight_smile:

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