So I know there’s a way to get a user’s profile thumbnail with:
local username = 'bleh'
But is there a way to get a group icon?
I originally tried reuploading it as a decal, but it was deleted (even though it’s literally the same image I used for the group and I own both). So is there a way I can just get the group icon instead of uploading a decal?
Be sure to search before making threads.
EmblemUrl is the thing you’d want to use.
Code Example:
local groupService = game:GetService("GroupService")
function getGroupIcon(id)
return groupService:GetGroupInfoAsync(id).EmblemUrl
print(getGroupIcon(5237948)) --> Output:
Oh, once again I missed something. I was looking on that page earlier, but I was looking for member count and didn’t really look at the rest. Thank you
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is there a way to get a previous group icon?
I don’t believe there is. As far as I’m aware, we don’t even have version history for anything other than group games, those linked model bundle things, and scripts (if enabled).