Get name of VIP/Private Server?

Is it possible to get the name of the current VIP server from within the server itself? Using either an official Roblox API or some HTTP request. Has anyone ever done this before?

Example of VIP Server name:

Any help on this is appreciated. It seems like it might be possible if there was any way to get the asset id of the VIP server from ingame. As far as I can tell, it’s only possible to get the PrivateServerId, which is something completely different, but maybe there’s a way I don’t know of to get the asset id from the PrivateServerId?


This is something new, never heard before

But it’s most likely impossible , not sure tho

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GET request:
universeId = The id of the universe, which can be fetched via place id here
page = The private server pages, each page has 4 private servers.

Name = Name of the private server
& other stuff that you can find out by your own

Roblox studio doesn’t have a built-in function to do this, so you have to do it via a proxy.

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Thats literally what i said at the end. And besides, making a proxy is easy.

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Oh, I don’t read posts fully, .


I know of this API:!/Games/get_v1_games_placeId_servers_serverType

Which will give you the VIP server ID and the access code (the ingame PrivateServerId variable) together, so they must be stored together somewhere…

      "maxPlayers": 15,
      "name": "Zero Index Games Official Server",
      "vipServerId": 27260640,
      "accessCode": "cded160f-495c-426f-975f-7c2a075c7552",
      "ownerUserId": 8387864

This shows me only the private servers my account can see when I paste it in the browser. When I use a proxy and HTTPService, it just spits out pages and pages of raw JavaScript, and a 400 Bad Request error.

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But then how can you literally fetch a private server without being logged into an account?

A Roblox server can’t log into an account, and a client can’t send HTTP requests. The server does know the private server access code, though, so the only way for this to work would be to find a private server’s id from its access code without needing an account that is logged in.

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Problem is that the way roblox’s detects whether the player has access to a private server or not is unknown.