Get Owner Of Game

Hi, I would like to get the owner of the current place. I was wondering if that was possible inside of a Roblox game without using the web API

I have no idea if this is possible, but I believe that they are removing the API that I would need for this, so I was seeing if I could do it in-game

Use MarketplaceService:GetProuductInfo()


local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local placeInfo =  MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(tonumber(placeId))
local placeId = game.PlaceId

local success, fail = pcall(function()

if success then
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What do you mean?
Do you want the UserId/Name/Displayname/Age of the owner?

local Owner = game.CreatorId
local Players = Game:GetService("Players")


You can use game.CreatorId! If the creator is a group, this is the GroupId. You can check if it’s a group or a player by using game.CreatorType.

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An alternative solution can be to fetch this endpoint which gives you the creator and excess data about the game