Get player accessories from profile

I’m currently making a game where, when you spawn, you will become a dummy with nothing.
I’m trying tho to get the accessory a player has on their avatar from the profile, since when they spawn they have none.
Is there a way to get which accessories a player had before becoming a dummy?

I found nothing on the web, that’s pretty why i came here.

Would checking the players character and marking down (if they have any) which accessories they had on

how can I do that?

Reminder that the avatar the player is using is forced into an empty dummy.

You can use HumanoidDescriptions. Here’s a simple script I made that works in the way you’d like:

(ServerScript, StarterCharacterScripts)

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.Name)
local desc = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId)

desc.Name = player.Name
desc.Parent = rs.HumanoidDescriptions --Folder
--The folder can be in many places, and is used to store the HumanoidDescription of the player.

workspace.Dummy.Humanoid:ApplyDescription(rs.HumanoidDescriptions[player.Name]) --Empty dummy

Additionally you can use
in place of
to create a new model with the player’s avatar, instead of using an already-existing dummy, which can help for multiple players in the same server.

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Local dummy = — your dummy  
Local Table = Player.Character:GetChildren() — returns a table of all the children of the character

for i = 0, #Table, 1 do 
      If Table[i].Classname = “Accessory” then 
      Table[i].Parent = DummyFolder
