This would allow us to right click on our developer product in the “Game Manager” window and selecting “Copy Id” and would directly copy it into our clipboard.
Never used the game explorer before, what is even the point of showing the developer products if you can’t read their product ids??
That’s one of the leading reasons I don’t use it. Since it doesn’t expose the IDs, it’s not super useful currently.
I also find it astoundingly hilarious that the current place’s dev products appear in the game explorer but the [size=4]game’s[/size] dev products don’t appear in the [size=4]game[/size] explorer.
[quote] I also find it astoundingly hilarious that the current place’s dev products appear in the game explorer but the [size=4]game’s[/size] dev products don’t appear in the [size=4]game[/size] explorer.
In this case, the name “games” are overlapping each other. In the case of OP, it is the “universe.” Different places in the game can have different developer products, but there is a list of shared developer products. This list can be changed in the main place or in the game config.
“This list can be changed in the main place or in the game config.”
Yes, I’m well aware of that. That page is open in that screenshot. This isn’t related to the OP – it’s just another issue with the game explorer. The game’s (not just the game’s places’) dev products should be displayed in it as well.
Their naming scheme for Universes is also really confusing. People refer to “places” as “games” more than they do “universes” to “games.”