Get Ready for Updated Experience Controls

Wonder full, this will really help out allot.

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When i do StarterGui:SetCore(„TopbarEnabled”) then the buttons in the hamburger menu like the backpack (which is disabled) are still here,

Also will there be a way to hide the hamburger menu?


agree! the Report button should be following the SetCoreGuiEnabled and SetCore(“TopbarEnabled”) states so if it’s disabled, we should only having the Roblox button and nothing else.

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Whenever I play Roblox on my iPad with this UI, I always end up unmuting accidentally :frowning: I’ll get used to the new UI eventually, but for now, I don’t like it.

i’d love there to be a push to talk for voice chat. ashamed to admit that while playing with friends in voice chat games, i have been moderated forgetting that i was unmuted in roblox


What about the ability for us to add our own functions to the topbar? This was requested some time ago because some people (like me) run their own chat system because of the limitations of the new chat system. I would like to be able to place my chat icon in that flyout menu. It’s still the same one that Roblox uses, but it’s my code behind it.

As it stands, this is a downgrade instead of an upgrade as I’m going to have to move where the chat icon is located and try to make it seemless.


You could technically still work with Roblox’s chat button:

Disable the default chat window (without using SetCoreGuiEnabled, so that the chat button stays visible) and then use StarterGui:GetCore("ChatActive") to get whether the chat button is active or not, to control the visibility of your custom chat window.


how tho? cant delete it cuz i think its parented to core gui.

While I’m personally neutral on this update, I don’t really believe it is necessary to change the UI for PC players, as it functions well enough and is not broken.

The increased height will end up looking ungainly for pc users, who do not need to tap buttons in order to perform an action.

However, this is a godsend for people on phones (notice I didn’t say tablets) because whenever I play on mobile, I usually have a very difficult time trying to tap the top bar because of how small it is.

Overall, I would say this is an excellent update for phones, but not necessarily an upgrade for tablets or PC.

On another note, I understand that music integration isn’t final, but it certainly would be cool to have private listening parties in Roblox.


As a tablet user, and once i got this chrome menu thing for a week, buttons are nicely sized (1280x720 or something) and easily clickable. upgrade for me, But the fact that you cant disable the second button is a downgrade for real


When I say not necessarily an upgrade, I mean not MUCH of an upgrade, since tablets have an overall larger screen than phones.

As the UI is now, I can tap a bit easier on tablet than I can on a phone, but it should be a bit more easier to do that now.

My real question is how this will affect console…


To be fair, Roblox is really REALLY popular on Mobile compared to PCs.

So I don’t really blame Roblox for making the UI Mobile first.

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How will the removal of the in-world mute button affect Voice Chat? Will developers be gaining the ability to implement their own keybinds for muting/unmuting? How much control will we be given? Can we finally implement Push To Talk? The new audio api is allowing us to do cool stuff with the microphone input but we still cant make its enabling/disabling fit our experiences that feels right.

you can do some trickery with TextChatService to remove it without using any bugs

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Then how do you do that since the default chat system is based in CoreGui which we do not have access to?

Does this new feature give us the ability to disable the core hamburger button completely? If not then this is completely trash.

I really don’t see how the size aspect of the new UI is an issue for desktop users, it’s not like it takes up much space - it’s still a tiny portion on what is usually a 720h-1440h desktop display

Even on 720h, it doesn’t take up enough space to intrude on gameplay; Here’s a few examples of different desktop screen resolutions with the new menu control space

Here’s a typical laptop display:

Even on a phone, this still leaves a lot of room for UI designers to do their thing:

If the game’s UI is thoughtfully designed then this shouldn’t be an issue. Also, do keep in mind that mobile makes up most of Roblox’s playerbase :hidere:


If you’re using LegacyChatService, disable Chat.LoadDefaultChat. The default chat scripts and UI will not be inserted into the place.

(Note that Chat is no longer visible by default, but you can show it by right-clicking on Explorer and selecting “Show Services…”)

With LegacyChatService, the chat window is inserted into the PlayerGui and all of the code is open-source and can be modified to your liking. This is not the case with TextChatService.

If you’re using TextChatService, disable TextChatService.ChatWindowConfiguration.Enabled and TextChatService.ChatInputBarConfiguration.Enabled.

@Maelstorm_1973 @computerph1_DEV

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This is a pretty good design that we’ve finally landed on IMHO, I have two questions though:

  • Do you intend to bring back user-set pins for things like chat/backpack/leaderboard? I personally would like to have the emote wheel always next to the chat button, it would be nice if that was something you could do (maybe even allow games to have defaults to what is always shown)

  • This is more of a question about chat but it would be nice to give developers the ability to toggle visiblity of the new chat (NOT completely hiding it). I’d like to make my own topbar button for chat disconnected from the MRU.

I’m using some frame and coloring tricks to make this fit into my UI theme


Also, I’m interested to see what this means

For this update, we’re keeping the current design of the Roblox/Tilt menu as is . However, we’re planning to enhance this design in future updates.

Possible merging of the Roblox menu with the hambuger menu? Would be a pretty good end-all solution.


Hi all, I wanted to respond here on a couple of the main points of feedback:

  1. On icon sizing, particularly on desktop, our reason for choosing 44px for the icon size is to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 guidelines for Target Sizes which states 44px as the requirement to reach a AAA rating for accessibility. These guidelines are intended to apply to desktop as well as mobile.
  2. On Report being available under the hamburger menu as well as via the Esc/Tilt menu—we are looking at reconciling both entry points for Report Abuse when we start work on improving all of the functionality under the Esc/Tilt menu. If you have recommendations for changes you’d like to see on those screens, please feel free to share them here for us to consider as we pick up that work.