Get roblox plugin name from roblox plugin ID in python

Hi so I am trying to make a plugin loader in python but Im having trouble getting the plugins name from an id.
Does anyone know how to do this?


anyways I know python…

so if you have a dictionary mapping plugin IDs to their names, you can simply use the ID to get the name. If you don’t have such a mapping, you’ll need to create one as part of your plugin loader.

class PluginLoader:
    def __init__(self):
        self.plugins = {}  # This will map plugin IDs to plugin names

    def register_plugin(self, id, name):
        self.plugins[id] = name

    def get_plugin_name(self, id):
        return self.plugins.get(id, "Plugin not found")

idk how your project is setup but what my example provides is that register_plugin is used to add plugins to the loader, and get_plugin_name is used to get a plugin’s name from its ID. If a plugin with the given ID isn’t found, it returns “Plugin not found”.

also if this is non-roblox related, please use next time.


uhm, i kinda meant roblox plugins

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you said python

do you mean roblox plugins itself in python lang?

So what i mean is i have this roblox plugin (Plugin.rbxm) in the roblox plugins folder of my appdata directory, and the name of the folder is the id of the plugin, and i want to get the name of the plugin by the id of that

nvm jk.

what I meant is that if you wanna get a plugin’s name by first fetching the folders name and then lookup that id on roblox and converting it to the name like GetPluginNameByID?

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No not from the .rbxm, from the id of the plugin (which I already found a method to get)

Yes convert the plugin ID to the plugin Name, I tried doing something with the assetdelivery API but that didn’t work

Well, you might somewhat need an API for that, and you know… ROBLOX is really bad at providing this.

RoProxy was an alternative, but not anymore.

To get the information of a plugin, do an API request using this:

(this returns a json table of the asset’s data)

(this is moon animator for example, replace the id with the plugin id of your choice)

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