Get server language (region)

I am trying to make a severlist with server language indicators. For example, if i join a roblox server with russian language turned on in settings, I automatically join a russian server, same thing with other languages, so how do i get the server to know what language its in? As far as im concerned it does not depend on server location physically.

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I am really desperate, i tried everything

You can detect where a server is located, but you can’t detect the player’s language setting. Roblox will already put players in the closest open server with player count also factored in anyway.

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The physical location of the server gives me nothing. I need to get the language of the server, as i described, for instance there are some arab servers that are physically located in US, how does it work then?

There’s no such thing as language servers in Roblox. It’s purely based on where the physical servers are located.

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I looked at LocalizationService and there are two variables that may help you.

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So you mean there are physical servers in russia?

Neighbors 🔊 - Roblox this game somehow managed to make server system with languages

Just checked the game and the servers listed as Russian aren’t physically located in Russia (obviously). Their servers are just normal Roblox servers but allocated to different languages for people from those countries with the languages join those ones.

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YES! thats what i’been talking about, so somehow i need to get the language the server is allocated for

The servers are allocated by the developer based on something like what country the player that opens the server is from. If the player creates a new server and they’re from Brazil, the server will be listed as Brazilian.