What I want is to get the index of the second time a character appears in a string, for example:
local str = "Apples are very good!"
Basically, I want to get the second time a space (" ") appears.
This code only gets the first time the designated character appears:
string.find(msg, " ")
Note: Im just saying second because I don’t know how else to word it, basically just make it customizable so I can get the third, or fourth, or fifth and so on time it appears.
theres probably an easier way to do this but this works
local GetIndex = function(Str, Start)
local Found = 0
for a,b,c in string.gmatch(Str, "()(%s+)()") do
Found += 1
if (Found >= Start) then
return a
print(GetIndex("Apples are very good!", 2)) --// 11
local function getAllIndexes(s: string, c: string): {number}
local indexes, index = {}, 0
while true do
index = s:find(c, index+1, true)
if not index then break end
table.insert(indexes, index)
return indexes
--{[1]: 7, [2]: 11, [3]: 16}
print(getAllIndexes("Apples are very good!", " "))
If the OP only wants the second character then there is. string.gmatch returns an iterator so you can do a “pre-call” to skip the first find and go to the next.
local str = "Apples are very good!"
local itr = string.gmatch(str, "()(%s+)()")
itr() --first call
print(itr()::any) --second call; prints 11 which is the 2nd space