Get UniverseId by typing PlaceId help

Hi, does anyone knows how to make an script, that will print / kick player with place’s UniverseId just by typing PlaceId in the script? I need it for my “Check all place’s in Universe” game lol, because almost nobody knows how to get the UniverseId.

If game.GameId is not an Option, I recommend checking out this Post using HttpService for PlaceId to Universe Id

Thanks, it’s working. I will message here if I have any issues with that

I made the script and it’s working! (It’s awarding all badges in the game when player added). Script:

    local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
	local PlaceId = game.PlaceId
	local data = http:GetAsync(""..PlaceId.."/universe")
	if data then
		data = http:JSONDecode(data)
		local universeId = data.universeId
		data = http:GetAsync(`{universeId}/badges?limit=100&sortOrder=Asc`)

		if data then
			data = http:JSONDecode(data)
			for _, Badge in do
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