Get value of a table?

You how would I get the number of one of the strings in my table, without making a for i,v loop:

local bubbleTable = {
	["BlueBubble"] = 5000,
	["PurpleBubble"] = 15000,
	["PinkBubble"] = 50000,

Lets say, I’m trying to get the purpleBubble, do do that I did:

bubbleTable[currentBubble] -- idk how I get the value from here, CURRENT BUBBLE IS THE INDEX

should print out the value as its a dictionary.

I dont know for sure as i havent tested

edit: @pasje1312 I have a script to help you find a value

local bubbleTable = {
	["BlueBubble"] = 5000,
	["PurpleBubble"] = 15000,
	["PinkBubble"] = 50000,

local currentBubbleString = "BlueBubble"

local currentBubbleIndex = table.find(bubbleTable, currentBubbleString) -- returns 1

local currentBubble = bubbleTable[currentBubbleIndex]

local bubbleTable = {
	["BlueBubble"] = 5000,
	["PurpleBubble"] = 15000,
	["PinkBubble"] = 50000,

print(bubbleTable[1]) --Prints the first value
print(bubbleTable[2]) --Prints the second value
print(bubbleTable[3]) --Prints the third value

Also you could change this to this:

local bubbleTable = {
	BlueBubble = 5000,
	PurpleBubble = 15000,
	PinkBubble = 50000,

print(bubbleTable[1]) --Prints the first value
print(bubbleTable[2]) --Prints the second value
print(bubbleTable[3]) --Prints the third value

so with that logic, currentBubble needs to be a number, use table.find() to return the index of the item you are looking for.

print(bubbleTable[1]) Would print 5000.

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