Get your games ready for usernames with underscores in them

Early next year we will be allowing users to create a username with an underscore in it. They will be able to do this at account creation or by buying a name change. The new rule is that you can have one underscore in your name, but not at the beginning or the end. The username must be 3-20 characters long.

Please update your games to be ready for this change if username is a variable you’re relying on, or you are using underscores in some weird way. In general we suggest keying off UserID, because it won’t change.


Is there a set date when this will occur.

I have some name ideas >: )


This is going to be awesome! I can’t wait…

What’s the minimum username length? 3 characters?
If it’s 2 (or less), are there any active users that got such an username?

I have a text file with 15 names I want to take when the feature is enabled >:3

It’d have to be 3 characters, because they’re only adding underscores and you can’t have an underscore as the first or last character.

I was talking about usernames without an underscore.
It’s just, if it’s 3 characters or more, I can write one string pattern to match any username:

So many possibilities for names…


I love the “soon_tm” tag :stuck_out_tongue:

And I also have so many names written down that I want to get, can’t wait.

The purpose of this is to open up new names for people to use. Sniping names because “they look cool” goes against that, and prevents people from using the name legitimately. Please don’t create accounts / change usernames just for the sake of “I own this cool name and nobody else can use it!”


I meant for me and my alt, the list is just in case someone snipes my main 2

The username soon_tm, coming soon to a user near you.



People are gonna spend a lot of Robux on name changes.


If I can get at least 1 one the ones I’m thinking of, I won’t take anymore. More usernames to go around that way.


I hear talk of this going live tomorrow? Is this true? @ReeseMcBlox

wow I hope not, I still need to set up the changes in my game

Where did you hear that? This feature will not be out for a few weeks more.

It was on ATR and some of my friends were talking about it.

I figured it was nonsense but I wasn’t sure.

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It’s been a while but I wanted to refresh this topic. Please make sure your games are ready to accept usernames with underscores in them, if you use usernames in your code. It is recommended to use UserIDs instead.


Can’t wait!