GetAtributte is not a valid member of Player

Well, unfortunately when starting the game it does not detect the attributes and it gives me an error, and well I thought to add that if the player does not exist, wait a second and it did not work either

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local player = Players.LocalPlayer or Players:GetPropertyChangedSignal("LocalPlayer"):wait(1)

local FPS = player:GetAttribute("FPS")

That just means that “FPS” isn’t a valid property of the player.

Use this function instead, in a local script.

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You can see a list of valid properties of the player here.

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Well, the attributes (in this case it is FPS) he created them with a Server script when entering the game and it is to activate and deactivate the FPS counter (and then the data is saved with ProfileService)

It would be a child of the parent in that case, likely an IntValue or NumberValue instance, so instead use WaitForChild("") since it’s not an attribute, GetAttribute & SetAttribute are for getting the values and setting the values of attributes respectively.

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Do you understand how attributes work?

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well, I had it the way you said it, but I decided to load the data in the player itself, not in values ​​that are inside the player. This, since in a LocalScript it does not let you access the ProfileService, I decided that when the player entered, the attributes with the data would be put

“FPS” is not a property of the Player instance.

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What’s the script which is storing FPS?

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What are you talking about, I never said it was?

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You never said anything? We’re typing.

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Provide the script which is storing FPS information about each player, thanks.

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A server script collects the data from a ModuleScript (ProfileService).

You replied to me saying “FPS” Is not a valid property

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	local Profile = DataManager:Get(player, true)
	if not Profile then
		repeat task.wait(0.1)
			Profile = DataManager:Get(player, true)
		until Profile or (not player.Parent)
	if Profile then
		--Obtener las herramientas
		for _, ToolsWithStacks in pairs(Profile.Data.Tools.ToolsWithStacks) do
			if not toolsFolder:FindFirstChild(ToolsWithStacks[1].ToolName) then continue end
			for i = 1, #ToolsWithStacks do
				local Tool = toolsFolder[ToolsWithStacks[1].ToolName]:Clone()
				Tool:WaitForChild("Stack").Value = ToolsWithStacks[i].Stacks
				Tool.Parent = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
				local ToolGear = toolsFolder[ToolsWithStacks[1].ToolName]:Clone()
				ToolGear:WaitForChild("Stack").Value = ToolsWithStacks[i].Stacks
				ToolGear.Parent = player:WaitForChild("StarterGear")			
		for _, ToolsWithoutStacks in pairs(Profile.Data.Tools.ToolsWithoutStacks) do
			if not toolsFolder:FindFirstChild(ToolsWithoutStacks.ToolName) then continue end
			for i = 1, ToolsWithoutStacks.Amount do
				local Tool = toolsFolder[ToolsWithoutStacks.ToolName]:Clone()
				Tool.Parent = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
				local ToolGear = toolsFolder[ToolsWithoutStacks.ToolName]:Clone()
				ToolGear.Parent = player:WaitForChild("StarterGear")
	--Apartado de grĂĄficos
		shadowSettings[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Graphics.Shadows](player, Profile)
		waterSettings[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Graphics.Water](player, Profile)
		treeSettings[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Graphics.Tree](player, Profile)
	--Apartado de configuraciones del juego
		ViewFPS[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.FPS](player, Profile)
		ViewPing[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.Ping](player, Profile)
		VolumenDeBrillo["Gamma"](player, Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.BrilloVol)
		MyThingsWith[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.PlayerChose](player, Profile)
		SlotsInventory["SlotsSize"](player, Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.SlotsInventory)
	--Apartado de configuraciones controles
		SettingCrouch[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Controls.Crouch](player, Profile)
		SettingSprint[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Controls.Sprint](player, Profile)
		LanguageConfg[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.Language](player, "PlayerAdded", Profile)
		--Atributos del jugador
		player:SetAttribute("Shadow", Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Graphics.Shadows)
		player:SetAttribute("Water", Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Graphics.Water)
		player:SetAttribute("Tree", Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Graphics.Tree)
		player:SetAttribute("FPS", Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.FPS)
		player:SetAttribute("Ping", Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.Ping)
		player:SetAttribute("BrilloVol", Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.BrilloVol)
		player:SetAttribute("PlayerChose", Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.PlayerChose)
		player:SetAttribute("SlotsInventory", Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.SlotsInventory)
		player:SetAttribute("Lenguage", Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.Language)
		player:SetAttribute("Crouch", Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Controls.Crouch)
		player:SetAttribute("Sprint", Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Controls.Sprint)
		--Añadir nuevamente los datos despues de morir
			--Apartado de grĂĄficos
			shadowSettings[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Graphics.Shadows](player, Profile)
			waterSettings[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Graphics.Water](player, Profile)
			treeSettings[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Graphics.Tree](player, Profile)
			--Apartado de configuraciones del juego
			ViewFPS[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.FPS](player, Profile)
			ViewPing[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.Ping](player, Profile)
			VolumenDeBrillo["Gamma"](player, Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.BrilloVol)
			MyThingsWith[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.PlayerChose](player, Profile)
			SlotsInventory["SlotsSize"](player, Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.SlotsInventory)
			--Apartado de configuraciones controles
			SettingCrouch[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Controls.Crouch](player, Profile)
			SettingSprint[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.Controls.Sprint](player, Profile)
			LanguageConfg[Profile.Data.Game_Configurations.General.Language](player, "FireToLoadNow", Profile)

sorry, spanish is my native language

That’s not how attributes work. They don’t work similarly indexing a property. They are read and written by invoking methods. If FPS is not an existing attribute of player, it’ll simply return nil.

Please read my statement above. The error that the OP is receiving is not related to it being set or not.

To answer the OP, your issue may be that you’re misspelling the method. And as a side note, the or :GetPropertyChangedSignal() is unnecessary.


Are you sure the FPS attribute is getting set?

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yes, Profile Service is safe so no data is lost, therefore if you load everything

I mean, attributes are set when player enters

I see in your title that you say “GetAtributte” when it should be “GetAttribute”. Are you sure you spelled it correctly in your code?

Also on a side note, if players.LocalPlayer was ever nil for whatever reason, doing :GetAttributeChangedSignal(‘LocalPlayer’):Wait() would return nil, so you’d have to do something like

local player = Players.LocalPlayer or Players:GetPropertyChangedSignal("LocalPlayer"):Wait() or players.LocalPlayer