GetAttribute returns void instead of nil when an attribute is missing

Reproduction Steps


Expected Behavior
I expect this to print “nil” if “Bla” does not exist.

Actual Behavior
It is blank, as if I typed print().

In Lua, there is a difference between void and nil:

local function returnsVoid()

local function returnsNil()
    return nil

print(returnsNil()) -- prints nil
print(returnsVoid()) -- is empty

This is confusing when a return value is expected. I was using print(instance:GetAttribute(attributeName)) to see what the value was, and my first thought was that it was an empty string, rather than non-existent.

Assigning to void gives it a name, so this works:

local value = instance:GetAttribute(attributeName)

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Rarely


I agree. It should return nil if it doesnt exist. Instead its behaving like a TextLabel’s Text property containing no text. This is troubling as we will have to not just check if its nil, but if its also an empty string. But perhaps someone would want to put an empty string in an Attribute? then perhaps a way to identify the Attribute’s purpose, like a setting. Because Attributes can be a string, number, boolean, etc…

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function GetAttribute(Object, Attribute)
    return Object:GetAttribute(Attribute) or nil

print(GetAttribute(workspace, "Bla"))

I guess you could do this
or this

print(workspace:GetAttribute("Bla") or nil)
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That’s not totally true–once you assign void a name, it becomes nil. It only becomes a problem in variadic functions like print.

To clarify, it’s not an empty string, it’s void.

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Oh I see. I don’t usually assign stuff as empty (other than TextLabel.Text) so I assumed they were one and the same.

Thanks for the report. For context, this issue is related to how we handle nil values in our reflection layer therefore you’ll find the same is true of other APIs. When I have a fix I’ll be sure to leave an update.


I reported this back in March, no movement as far as I can tell.

This bug can cause problems if you do something along the lines of type(game:GetAttribute("DoesNotExist")), as it expects at least some value.

@Anaminus suggested to wrap the call in parenthesis.


Wow, that title is nearly identical to mine and didn’t come up in duplicate searches! My bad!

I know this topic is 2 months old but I kinda want to bring it to light again and especially thank Ozzypig for the neat trick they provided:

To get around this issue, I was doing:

local N = tonumber(Instance:GetAttribute("SomeString") or nil) or 1  

but with that method I can just do:

local N = tonumber((Instance:GetAttribute("SomeString"))) or 1

which is a little bit simpler.

Normally when passing nil through tonumber() it wont error the script, but it does with GetAttribute() because it does not return nil as mentioned on the Developer Hub: link to page

Hopefully this is fixed soon so we dont have to use so many parenthesis.

My coworker ran into this bug today and lead us down a rabbit hole of weirdness to how Lua handles expressions in function arguments.

An expression like typeof(object:GetAttribute("Attribute")) should reasonably evaluate to “nil” in cases where Attribute is not defined on an Instance.


Edit: deleted this post, my bad, I had a very stupid typo, my bad.

Did you even test this


local testtable = {}
local a = testtable["dsf"]

print(a == nil) --it's printing true lol

Edit: modified this post as I had a stupid typo in my code, apologies @Judgy_Oreo .

But: the debugger for watches is still buggy, if I add a watch for “a” it will say it’s a “void” in this case:
local x = {}
local a = x[“dsf”] → watch for “a” will be “void”.



Eh I thought it was at the watch tab: it happens in the locals tab.
The watch tab shows the correct value (nil).

This happens on a fresh baseplate project.
Roblox Studio: Version 0.518.0.5180395 (64bit)
Windows 11.

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Hi, is there any update so far on this?

Hi all,

This issue should be fixed! Nil should appear as expected now. If there are any more related issues please let us know.

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