GetChildren Error

Does anyone know why do I get this error?

GetChilden is not a valid member of Folder "Players.robloxjw02.Items"

My code

-- Explanation : this Items variable is a Folder
print(Items, typeof(Items)) -- [Items, Instance]
if #Items:GetChilden() > 0 then
	for i, item in pairs(Items:GetChilden()) do
		item.Parent = Player.Backpack
Items = nil

I also got this error, Key ‘GetChildren’ not found in class ‘Folder’

You misspelled it.


In which part? I hate Charrreeeeeee

Nvm , stupid me. Charrrrreeeeerrreee

You misspelled it everywhere.


Didn’t realize I forgot to write the r LOL.

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yeah, having to spell something exactly sucks

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