:GetColor() and Udim2.new() issues with plugins

I’ll start with the :GetColor() Issue;
I’m trying to use BrickColor.new(settings().Studio.Theme:GetColor(Enum.StudioStyleGuideColor.Dark))
Is that because I’m using brickcolor? Anway’s, it’s giving me this weird blue color, is this supposed to happen?
If anyone knows like a documentation on what all the colors for Enum.StudioStyleGuideColor for dark and light mode that would help a lot.

Now moving onto my second issue:
I’m trying to do Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0) but instead of going to the center of the widget, it’s off-center as seen in the image above.

I’m sorry if these are “dumb” questions as it’s my first-time using widgets / plugins.

Theme:GetColor returns a normalized RGB tuple, meaning its range is from 0-1 instead of 0-255. You could use the Color3 overload for BrickColor.new to get the correct value.


The Position of every GuiObject is based on the AnchorPoint of it, which is a Vector2. To make it centered, you would want to set that to 0.5, 0.5.

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