:GetConnectedParts() not returning hinges?

I’ve noticed that :GetConnectedParts() does not return connected hinges, is this intentional or just a bug?

Here’s a test I did; https://gyazo.com/ed1a789285ebd6316e7627d93e84c9f9

Green: :GetConnectedParts() returned that part
Red: :GetConnectedParts() did not return that part

The two red parts at the ends were using hinges to connect to the center 3 parts(green), the red parts using hinges were not returned with :GetConnectedParts().

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I believe GetConnectedParts returns all the members of the assembly, not parts that are connected with constraints

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it does seem like this function has a bug. It should return all parts connected by any kind of joint:


Will this be fixed in the future?

Looks like this bug still exists—will it be fixed at any point? :bug:

Not sure, I hope it does get fixed. :pray:

Hey. Has this been fixed? My derby race game relies on this function.