GetCore: DeveloperConsoleVisible has not been registered by the CoreScripts?

Hi, I’m trying to check if the player has the developer console open, but I get the following error: GetCore: DeveloperConsoleVisible has not been registered by the CoreScripts.

local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")


Are you running this on a local or server script?

This is in a local script in StarterGui.

try local success; repeat success = pcall(function() print(StarterGui:GetCore("DeveloperConsoleVisible")) task.wait() end) until success Roblox core scripts are a bit laggy so it you might have to retry it a few times

I have waited 10 or 15 seconds and nothing happened.

it seems like the documentation is incorrect and the actual name is DevConsoleVisible from what I found in the chat source.

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