GetFriendsAsync only works for certain users

Simply the title. For some reason, when using GetFriendsAsync() on certain player’s UserIds, it returns the page finished (IsFinished = true) and the function that iterates through the pages is empty.

It works for some people, and others it does not. Is there a privacy setting that makes this not work?

Here is the function if needed to test. My UserId that works with this is 90537338, and one of my players’ UserId that it doesn’t work with is 1577294332.

local function GetFriends(Player: Player): {number}
	local userId = Player.UserId
	local friendPages = Players:GetFriendsAsync(userId)
	local userIds = {}

	while not friendPages.IsFinished do
		local currentPage = friendPages:GetCurrentPage()

		for _, Item in currentPage do
			table.insert(userIds, Item.Id)


	return userIds
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Pages.IsFinished being true does not mean that there is no information, it just means that amount of information does not require more than one page. The user ID that you gave us has a friend count of 17, while your friend count is ~5x that amount. Your code does not account for this and it abandons the loop prematurely. Change your code to the following:

local function getUserIdsOfFriends(player: Player): {number}
	local pages   = Players:GetFriendsAsync(player.UserId)
	local userIds = {}

	while true do
		for _, info in pages:GetCurrentPage() do
			table.insert(userIds, info.Id)

		if pages.IsFinished then


	return userIds
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Ah I see now, I got the function off a forum so I guess they forgot to account for that, thanks!

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