GetGuiObjectsAtPosition not returning anything?

I am attempt to make my iamge button being able to be dropped inside one of 5 slots but for some reason when it disconnects and prints out the mouseObjectTable the table is empty even though my mouse is directly above a UI Element.

 local connection

            connection = UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, gameProccessedEvent)
                if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and gameProccessedEvent then
                    frame = false
                    PetSlot.ImageTransparency = 0
                    viewportClone.Visible = true

                    local mouseObjectTable = StarterGui:GetGuiObjectsAtPosition(
                        UserInputService:GetMouseLocation().X - GuiService:GetGuiInset().X,
                        UserInputService:GetMouseLocation().Y - GuiService:GetGuiInset().Y


I think you have to use PlayerGui, instead of StarterGui. Look into the API Reference.

yup that was it. They really have to make the docs for that more clear as in the StarterGui class it shows an example of using StarterGui